Response @VoiceOfReason_ Bad Arguments on Charlie Kirk vs Michael Knowles Catholicism Debate PT2

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Response refuting Alex from Voice of Reason bad arguments on the Catholicism debate Charlie Kirk vs Michael Knowles debate. Charlie Kirk @RealCharlieKirk exposed Roman Catholicism unbiblical dogmas in a discussion he had with ft Michael Knowles @MichaelKnowles just before Christmas answering a question from the audience on the Eucharist, Santa Claus, and Jesus Christ. The discussion focused on Jesus which Charlie Kirk said we should be leading them to Jesus not Catholicism which started their friendly debate. Since then many Roman Catholic apologists have responded such as Trent Horn, a guy named Alex from Voice of Reason, and others. This is part 2 response refuting Voice of Reason, and check PT1 response refuting Trent Horn below. If any of these gentlemen would like to have a discussion with me I would be interested.
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Berean Perspective Apologetics
Kelly Powers
Berean Perspective is an online Christian Ministry providing streams, conferences, and videos on Apologetics, Discipleship, Evangelism, with offline private discussions, mentoring, and classes. This ministry is supported by donations. To support this ministry see links below.
Berean Perspective Apologetics
Kelly Powers