The Middle Kingdoms of India and the Empires of Southeast Asia: A Complete Overview

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The Middle Kingdoms of India picks up where Ancient India left off, and goes through the period following the Mauryan Empire, through the Gupta Empire, and the Delhi Sultanate. The last part is about the Southeast Asian empires and India's influence. It is meant to be an overview.

It begins with the Kushan Empire and the spread of Buddhism. It goes through the rulers of the Gupta Empire and its fall. The Muslim invasions would begin in the early Medieval, culminating in the Delhi Sultanate. The cultural part of the video goes into the mixing of the Indian and Islamic culture, and the daily life, art, and architecture of the Middle Kingdoms period. The video ends with an overview of the major Southeast Asian empires, like the Khmer, Pagan, Ayutthaya, and Srivijaya, along with some of their art and architecture as well.

The Medieval World Series:

Welcome to The Medieval World series! This series is meant to summarize broad topics in history and balances political history and events, with social/daily life, and culture. If you've watched our History of the World documentary, this series is a perfect next step. The videos are standalone, but presented in a chronological fashion. The series will be divided into 8 videos about the Medieval Period, which we call Phase 2. Once these 8 videos are completed, we will move onto Phase 3, but this project will be considered completed, and compiled into ONE MEGA-DOCUMENTARY containing all 8 parts.


Check out the Sections on our Homepage for the series we are working on:


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0:00 Kushan Kingdom
2:51 Spread of Buddhism and the Gupta Empire
8:59 Delhi Sultanate
15:10 Indian Culture (Middle Kingdoms and Delhi Sultanate)
26:39 Southeast Asia

All images used with CC license.

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Tikopia by Kevin MacLeod

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Hidden Wonders by Kevin MacLeod

Рекомендации по теме

Great content! Filipino here. Visayas Island Group (Bisaya) from the Philippines most likely came from the Sri Vijaya kingdom as a tribute state. There’s even the well documented Raja Humabon (a Malay Raja) who is listed as the first Malay king baptized as a Christian. Bisaya language is also the closest to Bahasa Indonesian language in the Philippines. Mabuhay Ma-Phil-Indo.


I am thankful for bringing India and south east Asian history. Most channels focus only on China and Japan when history of India is very unique and influenced places from Afghanistan to Japan. India also indirectly affected the history of the Americas as the Europeans were originally searching for sea routes to India.


masa hindu budha, indonesai sangat maju unggul terkenal diseluruh dunia terbukti dengan borobudur dan prambanan .


There have been links between Odia traders (Sadhabas) and the South East Asian Regions like Cambodia, Bali, Java and Sumatra. Infact Kaudinya I, one of the kings of Cambodia was an Sadhaba merchant from Kalinga (present Odisha). In fact the rich maritime history and cultural connections exist to this day: Every year after Kartik Purnima, Bali Yatra takes place in Odisha in memory of the old maritime voyages to Bali. Also the name Ayuthya of the Thai kingdom comes from Ayodhya (present day Uttar Pradesh, and the capital of Lord Rama in Ramayana). Even today you can find symbols like Garuda in Indonesia (who is the holy mount of Lord Vishnu).


You fail to mention that Kanishkar was a great patron of Buddhist and Hindu art, the Ayurveda and other Hindu developments. The caves were both Hindu and Buddhist and they developed on each other. Angkor Wat was also built by the South Indian Kings, who were responsible for the spread of Hindu Culture to Malaysia.


South east asia architecture is beautiful .
It is a mix of local and Indian as well as chinease .
I like fusion architecture .


Great overview, very helpful for class next week!!


I am from north India .
I own everything to gurjar pratihar, rashtrakutas and karkota .
These Indian empires saved India from islam upto 500 years .
India arab fought almost 20 wars but Indian empires won almost all wars except sindh .
The first successful invasion on mainland India occured on 12 00 AD .

Arab caliphate ended on the boundries of India otherwise whole north India would be islamic . The end of Most ancient civilization would happen .


The fact that many manuscript stolen or burned during colonialism era really suppressed the identity of South East Asian. We forget about how our people civlization are actually not lesser than middle east, europe, or egypt, they just different. Different value, different language, and different form of governance


Kaladi inscription in Java 909 ce wrote :
People of ariya dravidia pandhya shinghala kling, Khmer Mon Cham, and hunjeman (Arab Farsi Rom merchants) are FOREIGNERS who must pay foreigners tax as workers or merchants in Java.
They not allowed to live in city or villages just in ports.

This inscription have many serial inscription until 1520 ce. 👍


Theravada only popular in Srilanka and Indochina. For Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Java, Mahayana is popular.


@5:52 . Buddhism suffered from Islamic Invasions of country. Islamic oppression were brutal and wanted to convert entire country to Islam. To ensure Hinduism survived, Bhakti movement was initiated . That's why Hinduism survived in large nos.
Sanatan Dharma is all encompassing Dharma. Hindu, Buddhs, Sikhs, Jains are all part of it.
Buddhism was only dominant for certain timeperiods. Not all times


delhi sultanate is hyped .. it was never what is described . plus there are many important empires and kingdoms left out .


cant wait for your vid about Vietnam, keep up the good work!


I am just an amateur history buff, but I really like your style, sir. Thank you 🙏


The stories about the cruelity and barbaric acts of the delhi sultanate and the Mughal empire are still very deeply arches in the minds of the people.


Thanks for telling us what we are not taught only in higher classes.


first as a sundanese, you got the wrong maps for majapahit, cus Sundanese never fall to the hand of Majapahit.
and i love how you point out that women have equal positions in a lot of SEA culture, and that is true. even Hinduism can't change that until the abrahamic religions come especially Islam and Christian. Sometimes i feel like its actually a down fall for South East Asian when they adapt the abrahamic religions.


Great explanation man, Indians were literally the first and most educated civilizations ever, Our Greatest Kingdoms, our culture, Our ultra legendary history and First educational institutions, deep emphasis and even discovery of many subjects are from India🚩🇮🇳🇮🇳


One remark that I would like to mention is that Ajanta and Ellora caves are not Buddhist. They were used by Buddishts but originally they were built buy Ancient Hindu civilizations and were places for great Hindu minds to think, meditate and invent.
