How to Reduce Video File Size Without Losing Image Quality | Handbrake Tutorial 2023

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Here is how you can reduce your video file size without losing image quality within your video. In today's video, I breakdown video transcoder software Handbrake and show you how you can use it to compress your videos.
0:00 - 0:32 Intro
0:32 - 1:02 Handbrake Overview
1:03 - 4:38 Handbrake Breakdown
4:39 - 4:54 Before vs. After
4:55 - 5:33 Outro
🎥 Gear -
🎞️ Let’s Connect -
👩💻Bit about me -
I’m Kelsie, a 23 year old video production company founder with expertise in video editing. With 6 years video production experience behind the camera, I have decided to turn the camera on myself to talk about all things video production, video editing and life as a creative.
#howtoreducevideofilesize #handbraketutorial2023 #compressvideofiles
💬 Bit about the video -
Music - An ChillHop via Envato Elements - Cozy Vibes
787 - Handbrake tutorial, compress video file size, reduce video file size, small video file size, compress video without losing image quality, good video quality, handbrake 2023, compress video file, save space with video files
0:00 - 0:32 Intro
0:32 - 1:02 Handbrake Overview
1:03 - 4:38 Handbrake Breakdown
4:39 - 4:54 Before vs. After
4:55 - 5:33 Outro
🎥 Gear -
🎞️ Let’s Connect -
👩💻Bit about me -
I’m Kelsie, a 23 year old video production company founder with expertise in video editing. With 6 years video production experience behind the camera, I have decided to turn the camera on myself to talk about all things video production, video editing and life as a creative.
#howtoreducevideofilesize #handbraketutorial2023 #compressvideofiles
💬 Bit about the video -
Music - An ChillHop via Envato Elements - Cozy Vibes
787 - Handbrake tutorial, compress video file size, reduce video file size, small video file size, compress video without losing image quality, good video quality, handbrake 2023, compress video file, save space with video files