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why the MOST MEMED CITY in the world is like it is.
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#detroit #meme #usa #slander
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Hamtrack my favourite part of Detroit ngl


I visited Detroit last year and it was so interesting. Downtown is like an entirely different city, everything else around it is abandoned. It’s so fascinating


bruh the history of detroit goes so deep that they even stole the trees to build buildings 🤦🏻‍♂goofy


I live in and grew up in Detroit. It was way worse when I was a kid. Burned out buildings and abandoned houses everywhere and huge tracts of overgrown grassland that used to have entire neighborhoods on them. But nowadays it's becoming a much more built up modern city and downtown is a massive cultural center. Great strides have been taken to restore some of the Gothic style buildings as well as many of our historically important structures.


As a native Detroiter, I find this funny asf but I also appreciate that you also included info about the city's rich history AND its revitalization instead of just talking about the bad side like all these other ppl.


Living 30 mins outside of Detroit I’ve been there many time, it’s not even scary it’s just sad. It might be one of the biggest liminal spaces ever. That being said they are making progress inch by inch to fix the city


Me a Brit: Hmmm...Why is Detroit soo bad?

Video not even a minute in: Detroit was invented by the French

Me: Ahhh yes, makes sense.


Consider this: If the Downtown keeps improving and the derelict areas keep being tore down, you'll end up with a VERY unique city where within minutes you could travel from a pro hockey game to a farm surrounded my buildings. It may seem strange now but this could become a desirable attraction since nowhere else can this be seen.


The 50, 000 dogs thing turned out to be fake. The only source was some rando who was asked how many wild dogs are in Detroit and he literally just said 'idk, 50, 000 lol'. There are FAR more wild cats now, but they keep the rats away so whatever. Also, Detroit lost more jobs to the Suburbs and automation than international trade. The Packard Plant employed 44, 000 people at its peak during WW2 and was one of many factories in the city proper. The three factories in Detroit today employ a total of 14, 000.


Detroit and Birmingham share a soul bond when it comes to not having shite


the fact that im actually enjoying learning geography when i stopped doing it yearsa ago because it was the most traumatic subject ever


It's always so weird hearing people that aren't from Michigan talk about Michigan


I am from detroit. Back in 2000-2010, sure it was a shit hole. But after 2017+ it has been on a come up. The city has been renovated and businesses are booming. In all sectors, not just auto.


The city you mentioned is Hamtramck, not "Hamtrack". It's pronounced as if it were spelled "Hamtrammick". It was a heavily Polish community where people could do alright raising a family, now it's... well, you can probably guess.


There are actually a few reasonable neighborhoods left in the outskirts of Detroit before you cross the border, the major one being Palmer Park. You also referred to the bulk of the non-downtown area as "suburbs" but that really downplays the fact that the actual suburbs (the ones that are independent municipalities) are where most of the economic activity is at these days. Over half of the top 20 cities in Michigan are direct suburbs of Detroit, plus there's Flint and Ann Arbor in the mix which are a lot like Detroit suburbs.

Downtown is also really nice these days; there's been a major push in the last 10-20 years to make it a viable cultural center. It's too bad that in order to get there from anywhere people want to live you have to drive through miles of wasteland. Maybe one day the wasteland will be resettled once high-end developers put in fancy new residences.


Also, The 1967 riots had a big impact on the city. Downtown has honestly been on a steady rise back to being a reputable and nice city though. I would recommend to anyone to visit, if given the opportunity.


It's funny how British viewers keep mentioning Birmingham UK. But at the same time, Birmingham is also a suburb in Metro Detroit and a very posh one at that.


I wanna see wow mao upload this quick then


Detroit is a more sad place than it is scary. Most of it is just abandoned. I can somewhat relate living in the South Bronx where there used to be burnt building and abandoned fields everywhere.


Detroit is a massively influential city music wise, not just for artists like Eminem and Danny brown, but also for essentially inventing modern day rave culture and techno music as we know it. Obviously there were a lot of European influences but still.
