Know You Can Have It All | Marisa Peer

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First you make your beliefs, then your beliefs make YOU.

In this inspiring A-Fest talk in 2015 in Costa Rica, world-class hypnotherapist, Marisa Peer, uses tear-jerking (yet highly relatable) stories from greatly famous people like Marilyn Monroe, Amy Winehouse, and Whitney Houston. She explains how it was their deeply rooted beliefs, not drugs, that killed them — beliefs that things like love and ‘normality’ weren’t available to them.

What beliefs are holding you back? Anything you believe isn’t available, becomes unavailable. The opposite is also true.

Marisa Peer teaches you the immense power of your beliefs and how to hack them to prove that everything really is available to you. She walks you through exercises that demonstrate just how powerful your beliefs are, and teaches you how to overcome depression and eliminate outdated beliefs by telling your story the way you want it to be.

Postpartum depression? Naw. How about postpartum euphoria?

Marisa Peer is a world-renowned celebrity hypnotherapist and author of Mindvalley’s 8-week course, An Uncompromised Life. She has been working with celebrities to politicians globally on how to deal with rejection. Through self hypnosis, she helps people on their journey in overcoming depression. Through hypnotherapy sessions, many of her clients learned how to overcome anxiety.

With the 8-week program, she conducted sessions on hypnotherapy for anxiety. Before hypnotherapy sessions, clients did their research and wrote a proposal of rejection, where they discovered their triggers of rejection.

Marisa Peer taught them this one affirmation to repeat every day, “I am Enough.” This was an important milestone in their lives. When they started believing they were enough, they learned how to deal with rejection.

Marisa Peer, who was once named the Best British Therapist by Men’s Health magazine, has spent 25 years working with an extensive client list including Hollywood actors, CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies, and political leaders. Her tools and techniques aim to bridge the gap between 99% of the population and the top 1% of super-achievers she works with.

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What was your greatest take away from this talk by Marisa?


WHOA! This is the kind of seminar you pay a $1500 ticket for, for early seating!
The value in this video is insanely high. It goes to show you that there’s no requirement to spend thousands you may not have on education of any kind. The Universe will send you the proper resources accessible to you at the time you need them 🙏🏾


I especially liked the self-healing healing experience of holding one's self as an infant. It was calming and grounding. I also like the idea that we come through our parents, not so much from them. In my case, that perception reduces anxiety I have had for years.

Abraham Hicks presents a self-healing exercise in which you envision yourself as a child (especially at the earliest age you remember any trauma or negative self-image being projected onto you. Your inner child stands at the beginning of a seemingly endless road, feeling what you felt at any time you are confused, anxious, unhappy etc.You then look up and see your present self looking down on you with love and understanding. The adult you holds out your hand to your inner child. While looking at the adult you, your inner child takes your hand and feels its warmth and sense of security. You and your inner child begin to take your journey together.


WOW, "People think that fame damages people. Actually, I’ve found it the other way around, damaged people, want to be famous". How insightful.


I love her. I heard the same bs when I was pregnant. Ur gonna get this and that from so many people. But my OBGYN was so amazing he told me everything was going to be so perfect, i believed him and told everyone how perfect my birth and baby would be, they would laugh at me as if I was naive. But I WAS RIGHT. PERFECT PREGNANCY. PERFECT BIRTH. PERFECT BABY. Marisa is on point!


She has poise and style, qualities i greatly admire in any human being. Also, her energy is infectious. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.


Marisa you make more sense than years of psychiatric talking therapy which turned me into an unknowing drug addict for 35 years, over prescribed antidepressants and antianxiety pills which took me 2 years of withdrawals to get over!!! If I had only found u years ago I could have had a much better life but i am so glad I found you at last. THANK YOU a million times over!!!!


There has never a talk that touched me more deeply than this one. She's truly a gift.


Marisa, I can't thank you enough for your talks. I watch your videos every day and I can see how my life is changing


Marisa does it again.  I love this.  If you're watching this not knowing Marisa I cannot recommend her highly enough.  If you do know her you'll already feel the same way I'm sure. I have been lucky enough to do Marisa's  course which is the most comprehensive, precise and thorough training. 350 hours of training, study, masterclasses, reading and a final written and practical exam later I'm a qualified RTT therapist and feel honoured to be helping others with Marisa's Method.  The support throughout the course and after is unmatchable and the monthly masterclasses and support is peerless (no pun intended).  No one else offers this.  You will never feel on your own or be on your own.  Setting up your own business or questions aren't daunting or frightening with this unrivalled support right by your side.


OMG... so powerful... I recognized myself in the woman with res press ion and suppression ! That is me... better said : that woman WAS me. After practicing the exercise proposed in the end, I am fully aware that I am beautiful, lovable, so perfect, full of love. In addition Inmatter, I am significant, and I am meant to be here. Thank you Marisa Peer and thank you Mindvaleey Academy for making this video available for free. Very grateful.


This is my first time listening to Marisa Peer and she is absolutely amazing! The whole speech she gave, has enlightened me and given me a whole new mindset. I can easily trace back where my anxiety, depression, and other ailments have come from but I know that good health is available to me. I am not the same as my environment. I also did not expect to have cried the way that I did doing the last exercise but it was so refreshing and healing. Thank you so much!


"We matter...we're significant...we have a gift...and we're meant to be here" !!!😇😇😇


We come through our parents... "The Universe that creates us...will support EVERYTHING we do...EVERYTHING is available to us" <3


I've done the exercise at the end of the video before, but doing it again, while in a lower place, I got an even bigger release. I had to do it three times before I could just smile at me and fill me with love without sobbing.


The bit at the end about holding yourself as a newborn is just fabulous.

We should do that every single day. Thank you Marisa Peer, there is some serious healing in your words.


Cried few times during this video as I felt like she was describing me all the time. Little, broken child in the body of a mature woman. The last exercise killed me and I had to stop few times actually as I was crying like crazy....


This woman is amazing.. 💛💛💛
Loads of love to you Marisa. Listening to your videos is helping me every day.
You are an inspiration and I hope that one day I will be able to help someone like you are helping a lot of people..


This is everything I needed to hear at just the right time. Thank you.


Amazing. I am grateful for having found this chanel. Thank you Marisa.
I have a nine year old who thinks he's not good enough. Although i tell him how proud and wonderful he is. You made me see that what i think about myself (not so great things) affects him. I'm aware and started changing that, he looks at me like i'm an alien, and seems confused. But it's good, right? That must mean he might be tuning into my new "ways". I will do this. He is so smart, amazing, kind, funny and so much more. He should be the best version of himself. He deserves it. thanks again.
