My Favorite Day Trading Strategy for $SPY/ES (30k Day)

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In this video I cover one of my favorite Day Trading Strategies I use to trade $SPY/ES , and why some people see it as controversial.


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For some reason, I'm similar to you. The trades that I strategise reversals tend to work out for me. I can just see those much better than bullish trends. Thanks for making this vid! ❤


I really like your laid back tell it as it is style of teaching. It is genuine and sheds light on my early path to trading mastery. You have a gift for bringing clarity to our technical & psychological experience as new traders.


thank you SOOOO much. Your willingness to share information and teach beginners makes a world of difference.


You are one of the best trading teachers out there because you explain the way you look at and think about your trades.
Good stuff!


You are patient waiting for your setups. That is an underrated skill. Highly defined risk is underappreciated. Nice to see a different approach.


Hi Peachy, love your content! I too am a reversal trader (primarily shorts in this current bear market). I've placed over 200 shorts this year and 95% were profitable - my account is up 283% YTD trading only ES. I aim for consistent base hits and let things compound by increasing my trade size as the account grows. The reason the short side works so well is the down moves are so much faster than up moves. Say for example a 30-point up move takes 2 days. It might completely reverse in 1 hour which is 48x faster. My strategy is to be patient like you suggested and I have a stop that (usually slightly above a recent high) and put in a limit order at the same time I place the trade. Then as soon as it is ITM more than the last red candle I move the stop to ensure no loss. Then just keep moving the stop down manually. I stop trading at 5 trades per day (usually only 2-3).


Thanks for putting a name on this for me. I just started trading options and was telling a homie how I’m “biased to puts”. Now I know i like playing the reversals.


Great video, trading come with a lot of benefits And I have just bought my first house through it. As a beginner I was scared of loosing my savings but I’m glad I took the bold step that is now favoring me.


Thanks for the video. The description of an actual trading day is always interesting and helpful. Looking forward to the next one.


I ran across this video earlier today and literally skipped it thinking ‘way to young’ and then saw it a second time come up. Ya fooled me! Wow, never has anyone clearly expressed the reversal mindset. I much prefer sitting patiently waiting for a setup that occasionally runs into a trend trade where adding to a winning position just makes sense without the stress, Fisk and anxiety of buying pullbacks. Really enjoyed it and BFRG is ready to slingshot up. Only 5.5M shares but the story with Johns Hopkins is real. (Just a tid bit to check out) $6 ready to be broken and Bulls are stepping in all day at support.


Thanks for this! I'm a rookie. Ive been studying, practicing, paper trading, getting that screen time, etc, since January this year. Last week was my first consistent and solid week of trading options (mainly SPX). After watching this video Ive learned that I trade similar to you! Im definitely a reversal trader like this! This video helped me realize that Im doing a lot better than I thought! Thanks!


Hey peachy 🍑 love the content, thanks for the videos you make!! Can you make a video on the trade copier you use and how to set it up?


oh my god, so true, I did the same trade today similar to your chart, made little less than 1k, I was upset about missing the big trends, but it's so hard to see the big trend when I exit. 100% agree with you! I am happy I follow my own plan. thank you for the video!!!! feeling much better now.


I love it!!! This is exactly what I did Thursday and Friday 🎉 400+%. You’re dope af! I love your strategy it’s clear/clean and straightforward. Less is more 😉. Keep it coming luv!


Thank you, I’m working on sticking with one stock and SPY is one I’m looking at.


Thank you for actually diving deep into the thoughts in your mind as your execute your analysis.


🍑y, I’m not sure what you did in your previous life before Trading, but your Content is outstanding, thanks for sharing and teaching.


How do you know where to put your stop loss if you are reversal trading? How much do you risk in SPY on average?


You're absolutely right, everybody has a different way of trading in my case it took me years to sort thru all the different styles and indicators till my brain stumbled on what made sense and worked for me and what I also learned was trading different stocks didn't work, I only trade SPX 0DTE options only, I don't care about anything else.


Beginner in futures here...
- Wouldn't you make more if you simply moved your stop loss a healthy bit behind the trend? You can constantly move your stop loss slightly behind the trend, right?

That way if the trend constantly moves in your favor you can hit the peaks before getting stopped out.
(I do get how following with your stop loss can prematurely stop you out if it moves sideways. But so does getting out too early)
