5 Signs Overthinking is Giving You Depression

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Not all thoughts are equal. Some are useful and healthy, while others are harsh and unhealthy. Is overthinking giving you depression? Do you relate to these signs?

DISCLAIMER: This is a disclaimer that this video is for informative purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Please reach out to a qualified healthcare provider or mental health professional if you think you may have depression.

Writer: Brian Cham
Script Editor: Caitlin McColl & Dawn Kim
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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What time is it there right now and what’s on your mind?


As a chronic over-thinker it’s easy to obsess over the wrong ones leading to depressive episodes but I’ve learned that staying in the present decreases this possibility 💜


0:55 You worry about problems instead of looking for solutions
1:45 You brood on your Mood
2:21 You dwell on Your personal shortcomings
3:11 You think the future is hopeless
3:54 You engage in meta-rumination


the last one is actually true. i hate having 3 different thoughts overlapping at the same time, even when they’re normal ones.


Overthinking is super exhausting... When I'm thrown into any situation that might seem to be easy to handle, it's really not... Instead of trying to solve it, I start to think about every. single. possible. outcome. What happens if etc. I mean, until it's not fulfilled its hard to predict whatever might happen next. It's not happening everytime fortunately, but once it does its really frustrating to get over it.


Overthinking is a special form of fear. This fear becomes worse when adding anticipation, memory, imagination and emotion together.


Overthinking sucks 😪....I overthink literally everything


0:00 Intro
0:55 You worry about problems instead of looking for solutions
1:45 You brood on your Mood
2:21 You dwell on Your personal shortcomings
3:11 You think the future is hopeless
3:54 You engage in meta-rumination


I started having this exact problem today. Thank you so much for putting this out, it'll hopefully make me feel better


I had a breakdown yesterday and I was crying in front of my mum and told her all the things that are mentioned! I feel so happy to know that nothing is wrong with me or my mind and it is just a spiral of useless negative thoughts. I usually have such a hard time differentiating between healthy and unhealthy thoughts. The last point, meta rumination, stuck hard because when I realize how much I'm overthinking, I go on to beat up myself with a bunch of other thoughts after it and it gets worse. Thank you so much psych2go!💖💖💖
Although the tips given in the video were very good and I'm relieved, but can you also make a video on how to develop healthy thinking patterns? Just a general lighthearted one. Thanks again!


I am chronic over-thinker too, I had smile-depression for years which made me overly dramatic and suicidal but thankfully now I have a therapist to settle down my overthinking thoughts and negative worries.


Wow!! How convenient that this video came out as I was spiraling into this problem today!!!

Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only person who is able to gaslight myself when overthinking


If you struggle with overthinking, I would suggest meditating. It helps you clear your mind and helps with anxiety. It has helped me understand my emotions and made me realize my thoughts don’t define me


Just when I thought this channel couldn’t get any better. Not only did this video touch on what may be my issue, but there’s ANIMAL CROSSING! Both this channel and Animal Crossing help/helped me through hard times.
Thank you for making these videos :) Favorite channel of all YouTube <3


found this channel a couple days ago and I'm REALLY loving it.


🥺💧 past memories that flashbacks that destroy me, i thought im okay but still pain wont go🌦️ we learn to cry alone when no one knows


as an overthinker, here is what i do to avoid it (works for me, might not for everyone) :
-write everything you think about
-find a solution to everything you wrote
-seeing you just waisted your time
-go do something productive instead of thinking about everything


i'm diagnosed with depression and PTSD and probably one of the hardest things to do is to be kind to myself. whenever i hear "don't be too harsh on yourself", i can't help but judge and even feel disgusted with myself. we tend to hate ourselves because we hate how our brain is wired to overthink- how it's wired to depression. we can't focus whenever we do homework and we blame our depressed selves (hence the procrastination). we're in this negative cycle that we're TRYING SO HARD to break, but we can't because we're depressed. we hate our brains.


I started having OCD and depression because of this. I Finally know what's wrong with me. Thank you very much😭


I absolutely love the animal crossing inspired illustrations!! They’re so adorable and in itself made me feel a lot better :)
