Filing Back Taxes for U.S. Citizens Living in Canada

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Are you a US Citizen living in Canada and falling behind in filing your US tax returns? If yes, find out how to avoid penalties, catch up, and become compliant with the IRS through:

1) Streamlined Process
2) Quiet disclosure
3) Overseas Voluntary Disclosure Program

(Including Tax Tips for Canadians, Personal Tax Planning Guide for Canadians: 2014 Edition and 20 Tax Secrets for Canadians)

0:32 – Why should you watch this video?
1:17 – How do I become compliant?
1:23- The streamlined process
1:44 – How do I qualify for the streamlined process?
2:10 – Am I a low compliance risk?
3:02 – Quiet disclosure
3:39 – Overseas voluntary disclosure program
4:09 – What are the three types of offshore penalties?


The information provided in this video is intended to provide general information. The information does not take into account your personal situation and is not intended to be used without consultation from accounting and financial professionals. Allan Madan and Madan Chartered Accountant will not be held liable for any problems that arise from the usage of the information provided in this video.
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Explained this way. It may not turn out to be the "Horror-Show" I was envisioning. Got quite a few yrs to get "Compliant". Probably best to do a consultation and hash these options out. Great Video/Thanks for the Simplicity.
