Huajie Li (Marseille): An infinitesimal variant of Guo-Jacquet trace formulae and its comparison
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Talk at the WIS Representation theory and Algebraic Geometry seminar on January 20.
Abstract: This talk is based on my thesissupervised by P.-H. Chaudouard. The conjecture of Guo-Jacquet is a promising generalisation to higher dimensions of Waldspurger’s well-known theorem on the relation between toric periods and central values of automorphic L-functions for GL(2). However, we are faced with divergent integrals when applying the relative trace formula approach. In this talk, we study an infinitesimal variant of this problem. Concretely, we establish global and local traceformulae for infinitesimal symmetric spaces of Guo-Jacquet. To compare regular semi-simple terms, we present the weighted fundamental lemma and certain identities between Fourier transforms of local weighted orbital integrals.
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Abstract: This talk is based on my thesissupervised by P.-H. Chaudouard. The conjecture of Guo-Jacquet is a promising generalisation to higher dimensions of Waldspurger’s well-known theorem on the relation between toric periods and central values of automorphic L-functions for GL(2). However, we are faced with divergent integrals when applying the relative trace formula approach. In this talk, we study an infinitesimal variant of this problem. Concretely, we establish global and local traceformulae for infinitesimal symmetric spaces of Guo-Jacquet. To compare regular semi-simple terms, we present the weighted fundamental lemma and certain identities between Fourier transforms of local weighted orbital integrals.
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