How My New Smart Home Dashboard is GENIUS

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My new smart home dashboard changes as I move around the house! I love it! Here's how it works.

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I am mostly using the Home Assistant "Tile" cards for my dashboard. I was using the Mushroom Theme Cards and I still use them for certain things.

My smart home shirts!


0:00 Intro
0:27 Why I created it
1:26 Dashboard requirements
1:59 Make it dynamic
4:41 One room at a time
6:51 Spouse approval 📈
8:40 Can't read her mind


Doctor Momentum by Slynk

All of the music throughout is by Nihilore.

Ending song is The End by EVA.
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This took WEEKS and I put a lot of thought into the dashboard 🙌 I tried to show more about "how" I created this, like you've been requesting in the comments.


Now I’ve got to rebuild all my dashboards and install esp modules in all my rooms, because this is a great idea.


I was skeptical of the conditional items until you got to the garage door open condition. That's genius! And helped me understand better what you're trying teaching us.


It's not often a video comes up that really has a brilliant idea that can have a meaningful impact to my HA instance. This is one of those. Didn't even know that there was a conditional card - sweet!


“This dashboard changed my life” sounds dramatic, but for anyone who has a really detailed and integrated home assistant set up… it’s an understandable statement!


I've been using conditional dashboards for some time now, for managing all settings for everything in my house from pihole, home networking and ESP-home utilities and resources. It's amazing for decluttering these menus.

But what you have done has taken this to the next level and applied to the whole house. I need to start working on this now 👏


Dude, this is why you're the smart home GOAT! Awesome work!


I watch the video you made of Dan's Dashboard, it was very intuitive. I made changes to my overview dashboard and using the bubble card to open more option's, so if needed I would push the living room light icon to turn on/off the main living room light at the samectime the bubble card pops up displaying all the lights and scenes created for that room so it can be changed without scrolling or going into another dashboard. The conditional card is used for diary events and changes my custom button - media card on the main dashboard depending on what I am watching giving extra information on the source I am watching or listening to. It really does add value.


This is actually a really cool idea! Went ahead and implemented this into my own dashboard straight away!
By the way, since version 2024.6, every card is now a conditional card! So you can just add a normal card, and then control when it should be visible on the new Visibility tab. :)


Thanks. This is great. One thing to add is to create an automation to change the drop-down back to auto after a set time.


That's brilliant. I wasn't so much into dashboard until recently. I felt like Homekit was enough, and finally I tried to create my own dashboard on HA. It's good, but what you are showing is definitely next level. Thanks for the tips and the idea, that's awesome !


I have also been using my dashboard with BLE tracking and I have been loving it. I recently I moved over to a “Bubble Card” dashboard and I love the way the room tracking integrates with the popup card. I set the “action button” on my iPhone 15 pro to open up a browser to home assistant and it will immediately popup with the room I’m in.


Thank I have been trying to get a dashboard I like for 3 years now and I just couldn't do it. It never felt correct and felt like it was always lacking. You are a


This inspired me to redo my mobile dashboard. I’ve got a long way to go but have made a great start. Thanks for your inspirational and educational videos!! Please keep them coming.


Love it, i knew about the conditional card though.. However bluetooth room tracking, i was thinking before too.. BUT i really downside is that you always have to keep your phone with you. I dont know about others but when i'm home, i sometimes leave my phone in the living room, while going up. However i was thinking even a bit futher... maybe its better to have a smartwatch bluetooth pair instead of phone. If u leave the phone and go upstairs, your watch is still pairing (i know what if u charge your watch.. but that happens less than dropping my phone to a place).


It’s now even easier using visibility for cards in HA. Thanks for putting me on the right path. My dashboard is now just a single page. Not even using the location. Just a bunch of very well thought out things that only show when relevant.


This is pretty brilliant! I've used conditional cards on my main dashboard to draw attention to sets of conditions which don't normally make sense - home vacant, alarm armed, but HVAC in normal comfort mode - and display a markdown card with colored text to draw attention. But I love this idea, even without room presence sensors - lots of the PIRs have an occupancy value they present as well and I can just use that to create a dynamically adapting dashboard based on where people are in our home at any given time.

Of course, now I'm going to have to play with the ESP sensors too :)


When technology gets Advanced, Indeed we need a teacher like you to teach us those things ... Great job!


Thank you for walking us through the passage options and giving such a useful explanation of the trade-offs.


I've done the conditional cards for awhile however never thought about the presence detection. That's really cool and something that I can try working on. Thanks man
