The Kitsune Brain Type - Fast Learner

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So you matched into Kitsune Club? These students are highly energetic, spontaneous, and become highly skilled learners. Do you have these traits as well? If you haven't already, take the Match Day Trials to match your club.

🙏 Thanks for watching!
- Mike and Matty

#braintest #kitsune
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Fellow kitsunes don't feel bad about jumping between interests, our curiosity has no limits, so it's ok to dabble into things. To avoid frustration, try to set a main interest for a certain period, that way you can progrees but don't feel restrain to try new things.


As a member from the Kitsune club, I am about 101% sure you explained my whole life.


I'm honestly so relieved to learn that I'm not just the worst person who ever lived 😅 I'm constantly feeling frustrated with myself for being "lazy and unfocused" - actually I'm just a Kitsune learning! That's it, my mind is always eager to learn things but I get bored if I try something for too long without having a break. Then I'm always disappointed on myself and think "well it never works" and get really unmotivated. Super nice to learn that I'm not just a "problematic person".


bro defined my entire personality when he said they learn quick and easy but often forget what they learn


♦review study plan
♦think before do
♦avoid multitask
♦do what you love
♦ skill rotation (study, habit, hobby)
♦manage overthink, anxiety and daydreams
♦anxiety and motivations comes and goes
♦mindfulness, live in present and practice focus


I relate to this so much. Since I tend to ge distracted easily, I always review our lessons 3 hours before exam. And I tell you, my mind works best under a lot of pressure. I can learn months of lessons in just 3 hours. And because I have studied few hours just before exam, I can vividly remember everything that I have learned while taking the test. Unfortunately, since I only studied for a few hours, I tend to easily forget the lessons I have learned after several days.


I knew I would fit right into the ADHD club


I find it funny how accurate this described me. From the spontaneously jumping between interests, for me it’s languages, art, gaming, and sports. For a month or so I learn one language forget it and learn a different one then maybe lose that and start making drawings all the time then not for another few months. I’ll be so invested into a video game and then suddenly I find a new one I love way more and a vicious cycle of games. Sometimes I will be so focused on becoming good at a sport I just practice all hours of the day and then go to a new one and then stop all together. I also do enjoy spontaneously snacking😅


1. Understand where you are and your natural traits
2. Focus on the next step and not on the goal
3. Sell kidneys on Bosnian black market
4. Approach problem solving by anticipating what the process could be


This is the definition of me
I love drawing, reading, baking, running, and as a result of this i don't even know what I'm going to be in the future
Sometimes I'll be into drawing then 2 hours later i lose interest, when I'm cooking in the kitchen i just grab a novel with me or my phone because I feel like doing one thing means unproductiveness
My dad isn't very understanding since he is kinda old-school ( sorry😊) His always criticizing, comparing me to other girls and worst insultive
Now that I know that it's not something I can handle his abusive words won't hurt anymore
Thanks so much for this and thanks for taking time to research about this


The quality of this video is impeccable. Can you guys make the morning routine and/night routine videos for each Tora, Kuma, and Kitsune? Wish you guys nothing but the best.


I’m genuinely surprised at how accurate this was I kept getting stressed because I wanted to learn a bunch of different things and felt bad for not just picking one and sticking with it now I’ve got a thing to more consistently learn what I want more effectively thank you


“Knowledge is power: You hear it all the time, but knowledge is not power. It's only potential power. It only becomes power when we apply it and use it.” - Jim Kwik


I’ve NEVER been SO EXCITED about a personality/productivity video or series!! 😮 I feel like so many of those self-help things are only built for one type of person! I’ve been debating dropping down from being a full time student to part time, so I have more freedom to work on my photography business, build healthier habits, and revisit old hobbies that once brought me joy (while still working a part time job to pay rent cuz life 😂). Thank you so much for creating these videos, I finally feel seen as a learner! 🥰🙏🏻


I tend to be pretty skeptical going into these videos (even after doing the test, sorry), but this got progressively more relatable as the video continued. 4:15 really nailed it, given that I do have ADHD!


I have ADHD and also found out by your quiz that i am a Kitsune club member . Thank you so much Cajun Koi Academy for the detailed explanation, now i will a set a goal to work with efficiency and follow your suggestions . thank you:)


Focus energy: Kitsune
1. Symptoms: 0:01 - 0:21
2. Intro: 0:21 - 0:27
3. Brain type: 0:27 - 0:42
4. How people see Kitsune: 0:42 - 0:51
5. Emotions of Kitsune: 0:51 - 1:01
6. Critical thinking: 1:10 - 1:41
7. Tips for critical thinking: 1:41 - 1:51
8. Motivation: 1:51 - 2:22
9. Tips for motivation: 2:22 - 2:40
10. Time management: 2:40 - 3:04
11. Tips for time management: 3:04 - 3:18
12. Stress management: 3:18 - 4:42
13. Tips for stress management: 4:42 - 4:47
14. Other types of your energy: 4:47 - 5:09
15. Kitsune after Cajun Koi: 5:09 - 5:20
16. Kitsune playlist: 5:20 - 5:39


This is SO COOOL, cant believe that this matches me so well. In my final year when I'm alll over the place, THIS is what i needed. yayyy thank youuu.


As someone who got diagnosed with ADHD recently as a college pre-med student a lot of these concepts are super applicable and interesting


WHY IS THIS SO ACCURATE! I learn things so fast, and i forget them so fast too! When I did so good in my classes, but during my exams I always got a- or bs because I forgot things! I also snack so much! Omg this so accurate!
