Holograms And Human Consciousness

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The holographic principle is a tenet of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary to the region—such as a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon.

The idea isn't that the universe is some sort of fake simulation out of The Matrix, but rather that even though we appear to live in a three-dimensional universe, it might only have two dimensions. It's called the holographic principle.

The thinking goes like this: Some distant two-dimensional surface contains all the data needed to fully describe our world — and much like in a hologram, this data is projected to appear in three dimensions. Like the characters on a TV screen, we live on a flat surface that happens to look like it has depth.

It might sound absurd. But when physicists assume it's true in their calculations, all sorts of big physics problems — such as the nature of black holes and the reconciling of gravity and quantum mechanics — become much simpler to solve. In short, the laws of physics seem to make more sense when written in two dimensions than in three.

Here we discuss hologram theory and how it relates reality creation

The hologram is an amazing area of study, centered into many models of consciousness.

This information is mindblowing.

#youareafield #holograms #consciousness #newearth #transformation

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Music by Mettaverse
inner worlds
into the omniverse
journey through the multiverse
field of oneness
light quotient
travel light
dream flow

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Here we discuss hologram theory and how it relates reality creation

Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule


Brian last night I listened to your talk on the higher self and I was too tired to comment but wanted to give my input since you ask what we think the higher self is; back in 2018 my Saturn return began and it was the darkest time of my life. I wanted to give up. But then a sort of vision/idea came to me that there is a future self that exists, that is peering back at my current self and loving me.. the same way I might see a child version of myself and love that child, the future me loves present day me and will do anything to protect her. It was the key to making it. For three years I kept my higher self in mind and I was able to achieve the goals I had set and crawl out of my dark place. And she is still there, but I feel myself growing more into her form each passing day. So for me, the higher self is a future version of us who has made it, and who wants us to keep going, who sees us and protects us like a parent or guardian would.


Brian... Love all your work.. Would like to be able to get CD's to play in the truck, or DVD's to play while away.. I have friends over to my firepit almost every day, and keep your long videos playing on the big screen while they come and go in my house.. They find the conversation interesting and comment on it.. Some are learning...


OH MY GOD! BRIAN! This podcast was a TREAT! i have a background in microbiology and since I was a teen I LOVED anything quantum “physicsy”- the world of the quantum for me is more representative of actual reality than “this” reality.
Anyway I could not wait to comment because my brain just FLOODED with impressions in the first five minutes and I actually wrote it down before listening to test of podcast, it was such a powerful string of thoughts and as I listened on to the test, I was astounded at how you basically just said everything I was thinking and “receiving”. So freaking cool, so cool. Total flow state.
I’ve been getting into the emotional and mental zone lately and mediating and just “loving” so I’m not surprised- but yes I could do the Macarena around you right now, I’m so excited 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

These are the impressions I got within the first five minutes that just popped into my head as I was listening…

-It is a holographic universe- the one that we are able to at least “observe” and “measure” at present, that particular aspect of it is an “organic” physically evolving holographic universe- the galaxy and the atom etc. DNA and it’s full outer expression. It has all been purposefully and intentionally created/ “out-thoughted” to express the Original image/Whole/God in the various levels of “materiality”.

-Walter Russell… from his book The Secret of Light… how the Original “Light”/Isness, splits and reflects and bounces off of Itself- not a light with heat- a light made of pure intelligence-love. It keeps on refracting and reflecting, so much so that it even creates its own “shadows” within those refractions and reflections and infinitely curled up convolutions of this “light” until it has become what we call “matter” and matter itself then will reflect those aspects that “shine” (Truth) and those shadow aspects (illusory reality). And hence you have positive emotion/thoughts/states of consciousness and negative emotion/thoughts/states of consciousness and the infinite degrees inbetween- basically what we would understand as all the levels and expressions of physical and non-physical aspects of “reality” expressed through consciousness, creating itself.

It is as though Walter was describing in whatever terms he was receiving his information, that the “All” that is what is expressed - is holographic in nature, but the original Source- the Source Code, the Origin Point is pure Consciousness. It IS. And so… beyond the organic and inorganic, and physical and non-physical, at it’s “essence”, reality is a ‘holographic consciousness’, THE Original Thought/Source so powerful, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, that it can and does express itself in literally everything we perceive to be existing and even mistakenly believing to be not existing.

The illusion isn’t real and yet it is, because it is Source, “outsourcing” itself and yet it isn’t the ultimate reality of itself- just a representation. A holograph/hologram of itself that is so infinitely complex, we can’t really put it into coherent thought in our human minds let alone put it into words.

- anyway… a Shepherd’s Tone is an infinite vibration/“sound” going infinitely higher and infinitely lower all at once.
So you could say the universe is Light, Love and Wisdom reflecting and refracting infinitely “in” on itself and “out” of itself all at once- in the Now.
So when we as cute lil humans make our holograms and admire the mesmerising display or even notice it all around us in Nature :) it is acknowledging a cosmic reflection of the mightiest holograph in existence, which is “All That Is”, expressing itself, in some ways observable to humans’ physical senses and the level of consciousness they’re in AND in many more ways “not” observable to humans’ physical senses and the level of consciousness they’re in.
Just like the atom is a “small” fractal of a galaxy, or a galaxy is a “big” fractal of the atom or the initial inner “thought” is a “small” fractal of the outward manifestation of that thought. And it goes on in infinity- except that happens at a Consciousness level in “true” Reality.
But the smallness is not to be mistaken for “less than”- it actually means nothing. When you get down to the level of the atom- the atom’s electron would not consider the atom as a whole “small”- to the electron, that atom is an entire galaxy. So I don’t mean small or big in terms of how we normally refer to it. I just can’t think of the right words- the ideas are just zipping through me faster than I can articulate.
It is like this moment Now- THAT is true Eternity. Right Now. No future, no past- all that is illusion within the framework of time.
It is just now. And now. And now. And now. And it is eternal. The Now moment is the Eternity all these teachers and Beings are talking about- it is as complex and as simple as that. You cant think of the now moment in terms of space or time- it is a STATE of being that you ARE right now- not a space, not a time, not a thing, not anything. It’s just NOW. Eternity. Now. The feeling of right Now IS Eternity.

So yeah, all of that came in the first five minutes. I don’t even know how, it was just clear as crystal, clearer in fact. If it resonated with you, awesome, if not, awesome. I just had to share; I’m too excited not to.

Another thing that blared out to me like a fog horn was this that you read towards the end:

“The brain functions not as a generator of consciousness, rather as a two way transmitter and detector”

If that isn’t the definition of the creative process I don’t know what it. Our brain/thought is both a transmitter AND a detector at the SAME time. The Desire IS the Answer. As soon as you Ask (transmit a thought, for eg, if you’re sat admiring a pretty flower you may not consider that as “asking” but you are transmitted to the universal consciousness that you admire it and hence desire more of this please- irr the a an unconscious “asking”/transmission and it goes the same way if you’re focussed negatively on anything) - so AS SOON as you Ask, you are answered- the universe says “yes ok, here you are, it’s yours” because God is ALL of it, he is us asking himself through us and of course he won’t deny himself his own “asking”- we live in time-space reality… so we’ve been given the affirmative, what you desire already is- YOU ALREADY ARE EVERYTHING YOU WISH TO BE- so you now “detect” this answer by, drum roll please… allowing- you allow the frequency that God/All That Is is already vibrating at (the “yes, it is done”) by now aligning “your” own frequency to resonate and come into harmony and communion with the frequency of the answer. Your ability to “detect” the energy/frequency/vibration is by directing thought- transmitting. Lol it is a loop that feeds on itself into greater and greater awareness/consciousness… hence expansion. Hence why in so many teachings it is said that Desire is holy, it is God’s Will. It is movement forwards, it the becoming of more. Except humans have misunderstood Gods Will and got it all muddled up in their minds. Gods Will always feels expansive, an opening up, it feels loving, it feel light, it feels confident, it feels compassionate and kind and good and nurturing but when human fall into the illusion belief of “lack” they’ve veered of from the Divine Will which is why negative emotion feels so awful to us.

Anyway! I could ramble on forever. God only knows if any one got this far in reading lol

But the quantum tunnelling part got me so excited! I JUST watched an awesome video on that which explains it beautifully. Anyone who has trouble thinking scientifically or visualising the science- check this guy out, his videos are so interesting and a pleasure to watch and put a picture to the science. I swear if I had a mathematical brain, I would have been a quantum physicist!

He of course isn’t the only one with videos like this, there are many people who help us visualise it on YouTube, just hit the search button. And for sure biologists are teaming up with quantum theorists and physicists actually taking serious consideration that there are animals who use quantum entanglement in certain of their functions like navigation.


The higher self is the collective consciousness, I had an experience meditating to reach out to my daughter who had passed away. I envisioned my self standing on a bridge .one end represented the physical realm the other spirit, as walked across the bridge a fog ingulfed it, a hand reached out and I was taken through multiple settings of time watching my daughters whole life. It was beautiful and emotionally overwhelming. I couldn't understand because she passed shortly after birth. To top it off she told me she was coming back, yet her spirit would also always be with me. I was baffled, I just couldn'tunderstand how....she opened my mind by showing me data being copied and said this is how spirit works. She told me to tell mommy I'm going to make a owl hoot.. being that it was 2 in the morning and her Mother was sleeping as well as me thinking this was all my imagination. I didn't wake her, , but to my surprise an owl landed on our roof or gutter right by the window and HOOTED. My sister inlaw got pregnant shorty after that.and the day my niece was born as we all held her. She stopped crying the moment she was passed into my arms. At that moment I knew exactly who I was holding


You made my days special. Thanks from S. Korea.


Wow, just wow. The part about the synaptic gap and that it could possibly be influenced by an energy wave of the right frequency (or enough energy). It makes me wonder if that what was happening when I went into gamma phase while at Dr. Joe’s event and there was a crazy amount of light in my brain. It was soooo bright! I felt this strong pulsating energy throughout my body and was just in pure bliss and Oneness. Did the gamma ray wavelength set off my synaptic gap and hence the experience? This is so fascinating!


Gutted I missed this .. work gets in the way .. looking forward to my drive home in the morning 🥰❤️


✨✨✨Further Reading for Brian: Rupert Sheldrake, Ken Wilber✨✨✨well done Brian, on such a heavily technical, spiritual topic✨


Absolutely fantastic! As usual, great work! Many thanks and blessings!✨✨


Though it appears without... it is within


I’m not the only one that can see it right before our eyes. Slow your breathing, and you may too.


Brian I’ve not been able to focus these last few nights but I will . I hope some of the things I’ve wrote in comments have helped in some way . Maybe the view I’m seeing you have already seen ; I know I came here to learn 😃💕


Hi Brian! I just wanted to thank you for your work, you really do miracles. I listen to your podcast in spotify and just came here to thank you. Seriously. THANKS for everything you do! Bless you❤️


That is the reason they constantly repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat information via any and all channels available. Stream the information to you and it convinces you that is your reality... think about all the platforms available to you that repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat... distractions! Thank you for your energy exchange! ✌️🙃😊


I researched this video 4 times because I want to understand it. I think the portion explaining Walker helped summarize it for me.
Thanks Brian


Wow this is sooo cool. I had been meditating on holograms and had the thought to check and see if there was any notifications and of course this video was there! Life is Truly Amazing!! Talk about being all connected. I am Eternally in Awww of the Infinite Dimensionless Marvelous Magnificence!!!! Mmmm🙏🥰❤️❤️❤️


As always I loved it. Not going to lie I didn't innerstand it but I listened to te end. I saved a leather sofa from death yesterday so I listened while I scrubbed. Thank you Brian 😊


This one reminds me of your episode on the cia's time travel and holographic reality.


Brian after a few moments listening, I felt compelled to stop and to thank you for taking your time to, as you might say, “deep dive” a concept much talked about but seldom explained so thoughtfully, So thank you. And now back to your super podcast …
