From SQL to Azure Cosmos DB - Jimmy Bogard

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We've built on relational databases for decades, and even used SQL databases in the cloud. But the relational model, as flexible as it is, cannot model every modern scenario we see in our applications. With Cosmos DB, we finally have many kinds of NoSQL database at our disposal, all under one umbrella. Key-value, columnar, document, and graphs, we have many more options to build on.

But with all these options, how do are systems change? How do we model differently? How does our application need to change? And finally, how do our domain models change?

In this session, we'll look at modeling techniques for the NoSQL document DB models in Cosmos DB, and how we can move from the familiar confines of our SQL world into modeling via documents. We'll also look at the tradeoffs and how we can work with the change in transactional, querying, and usage models of Cosmos DB.

NDC Conferences
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Love Jimmy's talks. The best part - you don't even need to 2x them.


How can we use Order by with group by in Cosmos DB?


This example with cart ... it works actually identically in relational db, because all these concepts are intrinsically different entities.


I'm sorry to say. You can check as well. Oracle has a strong ACID property implementations. That was the very basic thing that almost all the Oracle developer learned during their earlier days of development. So, as one of the PPT showing, which DB are strictly enforcing ACID property, perhaps the entry for Oracle might need some update.


Lots of information, I never used NoSQl before but I can tell NoSQL also solve some situation very hard to achieve on RDB
I think taking the advantage of both always a good approach !!


MongoDB's cloud solution is Atlas, so you don't have to manage servers.


But No-SQL makes no sense in your own example. You say: "It's much smarter having the customer object directly nested on the order object, because when we fetch the order, its only one fetch, and we have all the data in that one fetch". Well that's all fine and dandy, but know you want to know what costumer has been making the most orders. So now you have to loop *ALL* orders to check the child customer object.
So all the fetches you "save" from nested, you are doing tenfold other places. Like: Who is the best costumer, and what products are sold the most. For those, you have to loop *ALL* orders. This makes no sense. Why are nobody thinking about this?


At the same time NoSQL databases have added features, regular old SQL has gotten much, much faster and added json methods. There are actually far fewer reasons to consider NoSQL now than there was 3 years ago. There will be even fewer reasons in 2 years...


Unexpected Ubiquiti product endorsement
