Замена цепи ГРМ на Mercedes Benz W204

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Замена цепи ГРМ на Mercedes Benz W204.
Наша компания занимается специализированным техническим обслуживанием автомобилей "Мерседес". Мы открылись в 2007 году и сейчас у нас работают два полностью оснащённых сервисных центра, осуществляющие диагностику, техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобилей Mercedes Benz.

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bardzo dobry film '


Здравствуйте, а если слишком большая натяжка цепи и это ещё без Натяжителя, не могу ее соединить. Мотор 112-й


А на дизелях w204, двигатель ом651, (Restayling) меняете ?


I hope this helps other people, from my own experience. I got the code P0017 (camshaft position sensor). I would strongly suggest, if you have a C class, with about 100k miles, you inspect/change the timing chain sprockets (camshaft adjusters), BEFORE you suffer about £5000 pounds of damage to your engine. Initially, I changed both camshaft position sensors, but no joy.
I have a 2009, W204, C180, 1.6L compressor, engine M271. At 123, 000 miles, the car would crank, but not start. I checked everything, spark, fuel, but it would never fire, not even a little bit. I opened top cover, and found the 2 big timing cogs (gears, camshaft adjusters), the teeth were worn excessively, on the left cog from front, and at least 10 teeth had been torn (broken) off, the timing on the right hand side cog, was off by about 70 degrees. I read the OBD code, it was ONLY reporting P0017. I was thinking the valves might have become damaged (bent). I have just replaced the 2 cogs, but could not get them to line up exactly (timing). The left cog, was about 1mm to the left, and the right cog, was about 1mm to the right, but the crank position was exactly 0T. If I moved the cogs, by skipping one tooth on the chain, the timing was perfect on the cogs, but the crank position became about 3T, so I decided 0T, with a spread of 1mm on each of the cogs, was probably optimum.
With the old cogs, the chain seemed a bit loose, but, by ONLY replacing the cogs, the chain seems very tight now, so it appears, the chain is not stretched. I didn't change anything else, even though I bought the FULL kit (2 cogs, 2 chains, 1 tensioner, plastics, cover seals), for £140 pounds.
I bought a new O ring, for the thermostat housing, I couldn't find the 32mm-3mm thick, but I found a 31mm-3.5mm thick, which actually fitted more accurately/comfortably in the aluminium groove. I put a little bit of grease on the O ring, so it would stick, and not fall out. I reassembled everything. The hardest part was putting back the belt. After I put the tensioner pulley back, I used a trim polythene removal tool, to slide/stretch the belt back on, without having to remove a lot of things lower down.
I did a compression test, before replacing the spark plugs, and I got about 75psi on one cylinder (nearest to the front), and 125 to 150 on the other 3. The compression was lower at the beginning, but as I cranked it more, the lubrication oil, within 5-6 complete cranks, increased the compression. I thought that was good enough, and was happy, that at least there was some compression on all cylinders, which meant that the valves weren't damaged.
I turned the key, and I was shocked to hear the engine start. The engine had showed no life, for about 1 month, and me cranking it about 20 times.
I was in a state of shock, that I had managed to fix the engine, by just replacing the 2 timing sprockets. As I said, I bought the complete kit for £140 pounds on eBay, but only replaced the 2 sprockets.
Initially, there was a bit of HOWLING sound, but that seems to have settled down now. I did forget to attach the medium size hose to the valve cover, on the top-right-hand corner.
I did notice the tensioner pulley bearing was a little loose (worn out), and that seems to be making a bit of noise. I have ordered a new one on eBay for £9 pounds, which I will replace, when it arrives.
I am not 100 percent happy, because occasionally it seems to misfire, but it has never stalled yet. I would say, I am 95 percent happy. I think, maybe the timing chain is off by half, or one tooth, on the sprockets.
The P0017 code has gone, but I get the code, P0491 (secondary air flow rate low). I am trying to diagnose/fix this problem now, any suggestions?
I also have a horizontal black/grey line on the centre dashboard display, the same height from the top, as the white line is from the bottom. Is this a ribbon connector problem?


а на m266 (w245) сколько будет стоить замена?


на какой герметик садите переднюю крышку ?


Здравствуйте а что можете подсказать за двигатель 220 дизель С класс 3 с пробегом 10000-15000 ( и сколько замена цепи будет стоить Спасибо за ранее


@3:29 you turn the main crank with the cams not moving is that okay? Does it not hit the piston at that postion?


Мне при 130000 заменили масло и фильтра....на гарантии у официалов....заплатил 200 евро


Добрый день интересует замена цепи в раздатке вито 4х4 рестайлинг


Na koliko se km mjenja lanac na w204 220cdi a na koliko se km mjenja lanac na w205 200cdi sa reno motorom 2014 god.


если были заменены звезды распредвалов, почему не была заменена звезда коленвала?


А как узнали, что цепь растянута и пора менять с нею звёзды?


А проблема в чем была? Посторонний шум?


Какая это модель двигателя скажите пожалуйста?


Натяжитель кто будет в исходную передергивать?


Храповик натяжителя нужно вернуть в исходное, еще один башмак поменять и звезду коленвала, че не захоткли плиту снимать?


Скажите пожалуйста говарят что ест масла этот двигатель правдо ли? Вообше то надежный этот матор?


Потом этот герметик и проволочки от щётки будут в моторе! Колхозники


салам патсани у меня матор 111. об 2.3 мерс патинул успакаитель матор туга крутится зажигая не правилна
