Apple Hand Pies - Apple Turnovers Recipe - How to Make Hand Pies

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I'm retired and I've gotten into cooking, I've tried some of your other recipes with great success. I like the way you explain each step in the preparation and cooking process, so easy to follow, you've helped me make my wife believe I'm a great cook.


Here's a tip.  Cook your apples to the consistency he mentions in the video.  Reserve about 1 cup to 1.5 cups of apple (so a little under half) then just before your apples are very soft you add the reserved apple.  This will give you the apple jam texture along with a few slightly firm and tart firmer apple bites and BOOM! The best of both worlds. 


he said "crimping aint easy" I love this guy 


I love his voice. It's like he's sarcastically cooking.


I have no intention of ever doing any of his recipes but I love listening to this guy, he's like cheerfulness personified!


Firemen arriving at the scene: "What happened? Why is your house in rubble?"
Me: "Didn't put holes on the top of my pies and the oven exploded..." ;_;


I have to apologize, I forget to give you a, "Thumbs up".  Chef John you are the very best instructor I have.  For the past two years I have been taking instruction from you about the best way to do things.  Sometimes I even laugh at your jokes.  I look around my house to see if anyone is watching though.  This weekend we are having 3 of your great dishes for our Saturday night dinner.  Stuffed pork  loin with a pork belly capp, your macaroni salad, with shrimp, and finally your recipe for cole slaw.  do a wonderful job and I want you to know how much I appreciate all of your efforts to keep things fun!  Blessings.


I just made this with your buttercrust pastry dough and it is amazing. Between the taste (moan!) and the smell of butter, apples, and cinnamon wafting through my home, I am more serene than I've been in weeks. Many thanks!


I made these with the butterflies for my ladies bible study today. It knocked their socks off!! One lady even said she thought they came from a bakery. I was so flattered! I'm walking on air!!!Thank-you so much for posting the videos! The edge pinch is going to be my new signature on all my hand pies! That's one neck of a crust too!


Chef John, I think your cooking channel is a national treasure !!!


Omg this is how my aunt made hers! She is now 93 and doesn’t do it anymore. I’ve been wanting this recipe! The only thing different is I think she fried them. Thank


I was 20 when this episode came out and 7 years later I still makes these to impress guests, friends and family. my dad just absolutely loves them, he asked me to make them today so I had to watch the video for old-time sake


your narration makes it even better :D ! 


My life was changed in seconds with the 45 degree angle apple slicing method. Time saver! Thanks.


"It means you made them so real it looks fake", loved that


(sorry this is long heh) I made this recipe last night (with the Buttercrust recipe!) and let me tell you, after making the first "test" one my husband goes "...are there any more?"  He isn't a sweets guy, so this is a huge compliment!  The crust was flakey and delicious (maybe a little dense, but I think thats my fault), and the filling was seriously amazing. I let the apple cubes cook/caramelize in the sugars and butter for a little while, but without squishing them, and it almost candied the outside of them!  They were really soft and applesaucy on the inside, but they held their shape even after baking in the oven  :D   At first I was concerned about the buttercrust because it was cracking on the edges when I rolled it out, but with a little love the crimping went perfect and my first hand-pie ever was a great success!  <3  Thank you so much for posting these recipes!

Any suggestions with the crust?  I followed the recipe, but I think I may have pulsed a few too many times before adding the water so the butter was maybe too fine  : /   Would that make the crust crumbly on the edges whiling rolling and or dense after baking?


These are absolutely fantastic.  I've made them a dozen or more times now.  Started with apple filling, then tried cherry and pineapple and they were just as good.  They are a little large if you make them by folding the dough circle over and crimping that way, so I've been rolling two smaller circles and making one the base and the other the top...crimping with same method, etc.  This makes a smaller, round version of the pies and seems to give you a higher ratio of filling to crust.  Wonderful recipe anyway you make them.  THANK YOU!!  This one's a keeper and now my favorite pastry crust recipe of all time too.  


Just to let you know I'm making these for Thanksgiving here in Colorado..I tried the recipe and everyone LOVED them! Keep sending great recipes with your humor!😆🥧


I’ve said it before and ill say it again - chef John is hilarious. I literally LOL at least once every video and I am not the type of person to laugh out loud at something I’m watching. I laugh more during chef Johns videos than I do when I’m watching actual stand specials. If chef John ever gets tired of cooking, he could certainly make a career in comedy.


I tried the Apple Hand Pie...OMG!!! The best ever and super easy. My husband loved them as well and asked for a another patch to be made...fabulous!!!
