Teaching my 4 year old about consent #shorts

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I LOVE that you use the proper terminology! THANK YOU. I am sick of people using fake names for body parts. 😤


Babies come THROUGH the vagina but…as my father who was a doctor always explained ….”babies come from a special place that only mothers have inside their bodies called a UTERUS, where babies grow.” Just an FYI


We use proper names for body parts in our home. Educate so they are knowledgeable.


Love the transparency and education about consent! So important!


This is wise! Too many predators get off because children don't know the proper name for their anatomy.


This is a hill I will die on. My kids will know anatomical names for their body. When I taught in the classroom I took a sa training course, (so we could learn signs of sa trauma to look for, how to report, etc., ). One of the examples in the course was a dramatization of a child reporting sa to a child but she didn’t have the vocabulary to tell the teacher. The specific language was, “Bobby touched my cookie”. Cookie was what her parents called her private, so she used the language she was taught. The teacher has no idea that cookie meant genitals. So it didn’t end up getting reported until 7 months later when the child started to display other behaviors and became more descriptive of the abuse actions occurring.

Language REALLY matters.


This is the kinda parent I wanna be when I’m older, I love this. I don’t want to sugarcoat anything, no bs also y’all are so funny ❤


My family didn’t do silly names, we did boy parts and girl parts. However, once we were 7 or 8, we did learn about it from our parents


We use the proper terminology with our boys and will with our daughter too. Especially when I got pregnant with our third, every time they asked how she was coming out, we told them from my vagina. I actually called their penis a weenie the other day and they didn’t know what I meant 😂


It is really good for even little kids to know and be conformable with using the proper terms for private body parts from a child protection standpoint. Then you can teach them about safety and help them to communicate with commonly understood language about any concerns to do with child sexual abuse with less risk of them being misunderstood.


We’ve always used proper terminology. Just like Kail is saying, we talk about consent and also Godforbid, if something ever happened I need my babies to be able to tell me what happened and where.


In a perfect world, you wouldn't need to explain this to a toddler. But this is not a perfect world, and part of protecting your children is educating them on what consent is using the proper terminologies.


I am 58 and love young woman I teach my granddaughter as she does but I didn't do with my children. I thank her make it the norm❤❤❤❤


Not controversial this needs to be normal!


Im the same way with my boys Kail! It's our bodies and i want them to know. Its important. Its people that make it wierd, its our bodies, its not weird.


Using proper names is important, if someone does the wrong thing by your child by them knowing the proper words there is no doubt or confusion when reporting to police, doctors etc.


Knowing about the body, god and bad tuch and god and bad secrets plus consent. Makes children more proen to let somen know if adults or other children have tuched them inapropriatly and can get then to stop somthing before it goes to far and have them tell somene they trust


So important to use the correct words. If a child gets sexually abused and tries to tell somebody but refers to it as a flower or a cookie or something else the person they tell won’t understand and be able to help them because they will think their talking about an actual flower/cookie etc, it sadly happens a lot. Please teach your children the correct names for body parts/consent and the importance of not keeping secrets


My son was 4 when he could explain you all about a woman period the workings of a vagina how babies are born and that seks is a blessing from God for married people some people got shocked at school when his teacher had pain in her belly and he asked her do you have your period because that can hurt she called me and told me he was very sweet gentle and even tryed to help her you should speak about the human body without shame never call it something else if your child is going through stuff they should be able to speak about it with the right words so misunderstanding can never take place.


Commenting to support Abby…

Correct terminology is important. I heard a lot of girls that are sexually assaulted complain about stomach pain or other pains because they don’t know how to explain it. Kids having ongoing stomach pain can be a sign of assault. And if someone touches them they know when it’s wrong because of the education they have. Teach your kids safely before someone else does it unsafely. Kids should 100% know it’s called vagina and penis. And about sex. If the knowledge is there and abuse happens it’s also way less scary for kids if they actually know what’s happening I’d think. Educate your kids young! Vagina and penis are not bad words.
