ASP.NET CORE 7.0: Task Manager Project | Day-1 | beginner to advance tutorial with scratch project

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0:00:00 Taks Manager prototype
0:06:28 Project divide in N-Tier Architecture
0:11:30 Country Model
0:13:14 Context Class for project
0:17:52 Connection String for the project
0:21:23 Scaffolding Identity
0:25:49 Generic Repository
0:33:37 Unit of Work Class for Generic Repository
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Very nice project sir.... Keep it up 👍 it will be helpfull for many college students to learn real life projects practically


Not sure why, I've updated to the latest version of VS2022 but the toolbox does not have the code snippets you are using. I can "Show All" and the WinForms controls are there. But none of the ones you show in your video are present. If you or anyone on here has any ideas, please let me know. Not necessary, since we can just add the code manually. But it would be great to not have to type that repetitive code all the time.


Please read the docs more before you make educational videos. Your intention is pretty nice and the general patterns shown but you the use case is very wrong. This is bad practice.

EF Core already defines repositories through DbSets. The same goes for the UnitOfWork pattern which, you guessed it, EF Core uses the DbContext for.
You just make wrapper methods around EF Core methods, which makes it
A) Harder to work with it
B) Less flexible (with your implementation I cannot filter on included entities and the consumer does not know that)
C) Error prone/the consumer might use the API wrong

And your async methods do not make sense. If you define async methods *do not* use the async keyword if the are not asynchronous! Call the sync version inside of it and just return Task.CompletedTask instead.

So please inform yourself more before making content like that. You're teaching simply wrong use cases of design patterns with error prone code as explained above. Helping people to learn is great but teaching them with wrong content is worse than teaching them not at all.
