dpkg error unable to access dpkg status area no such directory and files found | Ubuntu 18:04 20.04

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In this video, we have described about resolution of dpkg error unable to access dpkg status area no such directory and files found, and dpkg errors. You can resolve these type of errors with the provided solution within fraction of minute.

Problem :
1. if you have removed dpkg directory or getting error dpkg not found
2. Unmet dependencies of dpkg
3. dpkg error unable to access dpkg status area no such directory and files found
4. unale to install any applliction or upgrade ubuntu

Cause: 1. You lost your dpkg directory from /var/lib/”dpkg”
2. You lost status file from /var/lib/dpkg/”var”

Solution: Need to create dpkg directory with dependent directories.

Copy & paste these commands on your terminal one by one

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/dpkg/{alternatives,info,parts,triggers,updates}

recover backup file

apt-get download dpkg

sudo dpkg -i dpkg*.deb

If everything is "ok" then repair your base files too:

apt-get download base-files
sudo dpkg -i base-files*.deb

Now try to update your package list, etc.:

dpkg --audit
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get check

rm: cannot remove '/var/lib/dpkg/lock': read-only file system
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