Enough of Learning with Pibby (feat. creepypasta)

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We live in a Dark Age of entertainment. But hey, Happy Halloween n stuff, right?

#pibby #animation #cartoon
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We did it, Learning with Pibby production has been cancelled. Thank you to everyone for sharing this video.


As an admitted fan of Learning With Pibby, I can’t speak positively of it’s fandom or the constant recreation of wholesome, family friendly content becoming edgy horror parodies.


This video has 2 stories:
1. The story of the characters surviving against the glitched characters and creepypastas
2. Pibby telling Adult Swim to, “GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!”


As I talked about the new adult Scooby Doo show called Velma, I got it admit it Pibby is spitting facts about creepypasta


I still want the show simply because I love crossovers, that being said I acknowledge that these points are accurate


i respect Pibby for trying to finish her video essay even though shes in danger <3


I see your point, but none of us can truly know if there are bad intentions behind the show just yet. I'll admit that does seem to harp on many trendy tropes and try to appeal to manchildren, but there's a good chance that there is genuine passion put into this and has the potential to tell a cool story with a compelling message. That's what I hope for anyway


Creatively dead? Bro this is creative as hell. I'm hype for the potential


Alternate title: Pibby goes on a rant about adult swim cartoon network horror games creepypastas etc for 6 1/2 minues


Frozen, Minions, Among Us, Rick & Morty, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Fortnite, and even Friday Night Funkin’. They all suffered from over-saturation. It’s not really their fault, but when something gets popular, the internet gravitates towards it, even long after it stops being insanely popular. Certain things like Sonic.EXE and other creepypasta properties don’t bother me in terms of getting a resurgence, but when they and stuff like Pibby invade ANOTHER community in order to cement popularity, then I have issues.


It's pretty funny how Twitter is attacking this video calling me a hypocrite since I made the Deathbed series. I wonder how many of them actually watched this video aside from seeing the thumbnail. For those who did, I hope you know the difference between natural death and click bait creepypasta that turns any cartoon character into some satanic demon.
When you are using random childrens cartoon characters (especially if you are in a big corpo business, like Adult Swim) as parasitic demons it screams with the obvious desperation to be edgy, same vibe as the Looney Tunes show (Loonatics Unleashed) had in the 2000's to appeal to the trendy edgy culture at the time. Whenever I portray cartoon death I try to make it as respectful as possible, after all it is the corporations that cause so many of these shows to get cancer. It's not the character's fault who must obey orders to play the role they dislike.


I get what you're coming from. But honestly, I don't really mind if it's a rehash of "Childhood gone dark" or the "jumping through the multiverse" thing. I'm kinda sucker for things like that. Plus it gives the character an idea of "Not everything is how it seems, it's not always joyful" people know that. Plus if people are continuously making content about it, whether it's good or cringy, it shows how much they enjoy the idea and want to push it forward! Heck, maybe if the pushing actually does well, we might actually get something good out of it.

I guess it all goes down to the amount of people who are invested.
'Nuff said.


This is true FNF and YouTube kids milked the shit out of Pibby


Fun Fact: Not every popular horror game/creepypasta needs a horror movie.


Pibby is basically asking for herself to be deleted


Ima be honest pibby was speaking facts


I respect Pibby for being honest about this. I agree with her!


5:44 Is that me? Nope, glitch in the garbage, in the garbage. Bun Bun, you're free to see Pibby.


The creepypasta revolution and its consequences


okay. I have two sides to this.
1. Pibby was right. Cartoon network has gone down hill. Should they have done Learning with Pibby ? Yes but in a different way. Being that it is a multi universe show. They shouldn't use the old cartoon characters (Flintstones, Jentons, Adventure Time, etc.) Instead came up with their own characters.

2. Being that its kinda base like CreepyPasta and as a CreepyPasta fan. The show got my attention. Being that the show is on Adult Swim makes the show adult cartoon show. So the show is not meant for kids. And the fact its too dark for kids.

So being a Learning with Pibby fan I have both sides to this. If Adult Swim needs ideas for new characters that are original to ask fans who are actually interested in seeing something like this and get credit. Which might not happen. So the show might stop and the fandom might take it and use it. And make it special in their own way.
