Fat Ball Mystery Solved! Garden Bird Watching in July

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This month I got a visit from a bird I’ve not seen in the garden for a few years and also discovered which birds were eating 2 fat balls every day.

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Beautiful captures :) Thanks for sharing them with us!💖👍😎JP


Yes!! We have started 'rationing' the fat blocks as there's a group of 4-6 jackdaws that come and scoff it too quickly lol


We are looking forward to touring Ireland in early August for the first time. Dublin, Galway, Knock, Sligo, Donegal, Londonderry/Derry, Belfast and coastal County Down. We are looking forward to studying the bird life. Videos showing the common feeder birds have been helpful as well as delightful. Thank you!.


Thank you My Birding Year for your lovely video. I had to laugh when at one point the pigeon while looking for food made itself jump, I did chuckle. Thank you also for the information you provide, hope now i will remember the house sparrow when I see one next.
I know some birds are more greedy than others but they all need food! and we are very lucky that we see so many varieties.
Thank you again and have a great weekend 😊


That baby starling was adorable! This is my first time seeing one (in any way)! 😅


Wonderful to see such a variety of birds. I only have a small concrete back yard in the large town where I live with plants in pots but I used to have house sparrows that came to feed on seed that I would put out but no more. 😪I was intrigued to see them feeding on your fat block so I might try that to attract them back. Is there any particular kind of fat balls/blocks you would recommend for sparrows or even a favourite seed of theirs? As you can tell I’m a real novice at this! Thank you for the fab video.


We’ve had rooks, jackdaws and starlings having a go at the fat balls in our garden. The rooks even hang upside down to get to the lower balls when they’re the only ones left in the feeder. One very young rook was making a heck of a racket when it wanted food - at 5am! Regarding the starlings, I didn’t see any around for about a week and thought they’d moved on, but after I put bird food out one day last week I turned to walk away and about a dozen of them suddenly swooped down. The way I look at it, if they weren’t hungry they wouldn’t come down! 😂🤣 I regard birds as cheap entertainment.


To be honest, I don't like starlings very much because they flock to the feeders, scatter food, chase away other birds and instead of eating, they fight among themselves all the time, they are a real nuisance. Thank you for lovely video 🙂


We get a lot of magpies on the feeders. The juvenile magpies are so funny sometimes. Lately, there are a couple of jackdaws too coming to the feeder. The small birds are afraid of these big birds.


I’ve been hearing a lot of people saying there are no starlings where they are however I’ve been seeing quite a lot, I guess they specific areas they like to hang out at and change locations.
