Clinically DEAD Doctor Shown The TRUTH About Our DIVINE Blueprint By Jesus Christ | Dr. Rod Chelberg

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Read Dr. Rod Chelberg's book - When God Calls, Say "Yes!": A Physician's Experience of Mystical Guidance

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Dr. Rod Chelberg practiced many forms of adult medicine, mostly emergency room medicine. He saw 65-70 thousand patients over 28 years. Starting in 2007, he started to have multiple mystical events in the ED. In 2010, I began to lecture on topics related to my experiences and on spiritualty. In addition, I have written numerous articles about them, He have given presentations on YouTube and have written a book, "When God Calls Say Yes!"

In second grade, Dr. Rod Chelberg had a near-death experience (NDE). He had a kidney infection and was treated with penicillin. From the penicillin, he had an allergic reaction to it and stopped breathing. Dr. Rod Chelberg shares how he was given the right information at crucial moments to aid healing, ease suffering, or prepare for death. These unforgettable reports can help us all remember that the reality of divine guidance is as close as our willingness to say “Yes!” when it calls to us.

Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Rod Chelberg.

0:00 - Episode Teaser
0:44 - Dr. Rod's life prior to his NDE
4:08 - The gifts received in the afterlife
7:16 - Taking the gifts seriously
10:32 - Using the gifts
14:23 - Hearing the voice of Christ
22:40 - The Divine is more diagnostic than it is healing
28:50 - Astral travel
35:22 - Why do we choose to incarnate?
41:19 - Memory of past lives
45:53 - Working with a president
48:04 - Living a Good Life
49:21 - Definition of God
49:26 - Ultimate Purpose of Life
50:02 - Dr. Rod's work
51:02 - Final Message

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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I'm a retired RN, and I can only say we need more docs & health care professionals like this man. ❤❤❤


I love this guy!!! He reminds me of me and my career as an anesthesiologist. I created a presence of calm and I always knew I was guided. I never ever got anxious or scared even in the most harrowing circumstances, it was truly a gift I had. It was great but as my consciousness expanded after 2020, I found myself transcending the current medical system, because I could no longer function within it. Much like the religion I left in 2020. I was guided out of these paradigms. Now I’m healing myself from years of conditioning and in doing so, miracles are happening right and left. I want to be a light for others who have the courage to leave their dogmatic professions and roles, and follow their hearts. Thanks for leading the way Alex!


to all who read this, and all who don't...sending you infinite peace, perfect health, abundant wealth, joyous freedom, and unconditional love...


I’m a nurse of 27 years and I know he is telling the truth


I think, as a nurse of 27 years, now retired, that the divine intuition moves through more health care professionals that one might think. I've experienced it many times. Although I didn't have a voice I've had the knowing.. knowing when to push and when to pull with patients and even doctors. When you know, you know.. and when you know you must act.


My brother could see auras. He didn’t tell anyone until he was in his 40’s. He was afraid of being judged. But not using his gift caused him so much anxiety and depression that he started drinking to stop the feelings. But when he got into AA and working as a medical assistant he started using his gift. He could see the grey in certain areas on someone’s body and started to tell people to ask their doctors to check this or that, and they would confirm his gift, started to heal and feel his purpose. Thank you for having Dr. Rod. I also just started reading a course in miracles. It’s blowing me away. Thank you❤


I really enjoyed listening to Rod. He is a very kind soul. I am a nurse going on 30 years and have worked with a wide array of healthcare providers and he reminds me of a small handful of 3-4 that have that demeanor. My father in law is a retired MD as of this year and he reminds me of him. Everywhere we go people would say Dr. You saved my mom, or delivered my baby etc.. and he will hug each and every one of them tightly. These docs are few and far between just like nurses. Thanks for having him on your show. You are absolutely correct that his voice is like a calm in a storm.


I love this man's energy. It's so peaceful.


I especially loved this episode. What a beautiful guest. Viewers can sense Dr Rod "gets it", like he *REALLY* gets it. A rare gem. A blessing to watch, Alex. 🙏❤


It would be wonderful to have Dr. Chelborg as your family physcian. Every ER should have a doctor like this.


Dr. Rod Chelberg feels like an Earth Angel! This conversation touched my soul so deeply that I cried tears that were soothing to my heart and soul. I was so relieved when Dr. Rod spoke about being "birthed into Heaven", it meant SO much to me because 15 years ago this coming April 30th, my family and I were all by my Daddy's side as he was crossing over into Heaven. It took him all day and all night up until 11:12 PM when he took his last breathe. I never left his side the entire time. He was not in distress, he could not talk however his eyes were wide open as we all spoke to him and reassured him he was going to be with God. What really touched me was when Dr. Rod said that one statement that means so much to me! The first words out of my mouth when Daddy took his last breathe were " that was like watching a birth backwards". I was shocked and embarrassed at myself for saying that because at the time it felt so inappropriate to say and everyone looked at me as if I said something wrong. I love my Daddy more than words could ever describe. He was the absolute rock of our family! My life changed drastically that day and finally today when I heard those special words that Dr. Rod spoke, great relief came over me and comforted me greatly! I understand now that my soul understood then that we are being "birthed back into Heaven"!! I've gone through a profound spiritual awakening since he crossed over and my amazing father was the one who has helped me to have this awakening! I now have a deep relationship with him that is very real in every way. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful, pure light and love Dr. and person with us! My life changed today on this Easter Sunday after hearing these messages that this amazing man shared with you and all of us! GOD BLESS YOU, DR. ROY AND ALL OF US!! I feel so blessed because of this one video that was so touching! Thank you so very much. I'm hooked on your channel now, I don't even know how this video showed up in my stream, I was not subscribed to you but, I sure am now!! 😭🙏😇🕊❤💙💚☮🕯🦋🌈


Listening to this will heal you, if you let it. Just open your heart...


What an incredible and appropriate episode to release on Easter Sunday! A more accurate and true message of what Christ was trying to tell humanity. “Wake Up”. That was Dr. Chelberg’s belief is the purpose of life. 100% Truth. Amazingly refreshing and timely.

Thank you so much for your podcast. This has been a VERY long time coming.


As a "full time patient" with an "incurable" degenerative chronic illness w/excruciating pain that I battled for approx 10 years spending weeks and sometimes months at a time in the hospital - heck yes we need more drs like this!!!🎉

And to give ALL of us hope - this beautiful man exists and the last time I was hospitalized approx 4 years ago - the "head" dr brought in his whole team and a handful of student drs to tell me - it was the 'end of the rd' for me. They were sending me home on hospice - 2 prepare myself for my death as it was inevitable, they had no more options of treatment or care for me (I was 85 pounds, had a collapsed lung, acute pancreatitis, a surgically placedfeeding tube for the previous year and a half &I couldn't tolerate my feeds(I was vomiting the liquid formula up even when administered at a minimal rate and couldn't take NY food or drinks by Mouth... etc etc... had been non verbal for 5 days... etc etc... well I was *NOT* on board with their plan - I was *Not* going to just go home and die...

The last dr to leave my room(from the large crowd of drs there to give me the news)....
He stopped in my doorway(keep in mind my jaw was on my lap in dis elief that they could just do this and so yeah I was staring at the door as they all left - blank faces - no emotion. No empathy. Totally dese sitized to the situation... 2 women drs started joking around and laughing right outside my door about something else.... but the LAST dr to leave my room... he turned and said 1 sentence to me....

He and I- I realize Now- had a soul co tract for him to say what he said. It repeated over and over in my head. It made no logical sense. I couldn't let it go. 😅 and it lead to me doing research. Following my Intuition *completely * Total faith total belief - I learned just how powerful we are as sovereign spiritual beings having a human experience. I learned we ARE capable of healing ourselves. I learned I am a walking miracle.

All this to say - There *Are* more Drs out there within our crippled-all that matters is the all mighty dollar- health system.... and men like this Dr... they're integrating into the broken system we have rn and they're making HUGE changes ges from the imside out- you know what they say 😉😉😉 it's the quiet ones you have to look out for 😂😅😉😉🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🎶💜✨️✨️✨️🤩

Thank you so much!!!!


I've heard Jesus' voice once telling me I'd be in a car wreck but I'd be ok. I felt complete peace and love. I'm glad people are more willing to talk about these experiences!


This man is a true Professor of God. He took A Course In Miracle to it’s highest level and chose to live the love of Christ everyday. I could hear him talking forever because the tone of his voice vibrates the love of his heart and gets into mine. Thank you so much for this Podcast. And guys, ACIM is a really good course to live in peace, even though the world is caos. 🕊️


I needed to hear this podcast. I've been working thru a deeper understanding of knowing God. I too was raised Catholic and after years of experience I decided to deepen my relationship with Him.
Spirit directed I am here again on your l Soul Podcast. blessed beyond measure I have been renewed in faith and listening to this man's experience, all I can say I have similar experiences but have kept private. I know I'm on the right pathway to God and am comforted to have this confirmation made known has done so today. ❤God bless You all


Sense of abandonment is what I have been dealing with in this Life. Hmm I wonder what happened to me in a past lifetime that I would bring that sense of abandonment with me to heal in this lifetime. From the moment of conception (parents unmarried) placed in adoption, abandoned at 13years old, fosterchild into a loving family, relationships with men would abandon the relationship....
My light is so bright that people are repelled by my divine light and it's energy. Either people want to latch on suck the light out of me or try to destroy it.
It's been a hard and tough life road but now I am accepting of this divine light radiating from me...I totally get it, You are not alone...He is my best friend and am protected under Divine Guidance always.


Another Master here to help humanity make the big jump and demonstrate how the "healing" profession of the future will conduct itself when it comes to understand its true place, and once it is no longer controlled by greed, ego, and fear-mongering. Dr. Rod walks his talk, leading the way by example. There is only ONE, and it is only LOVE. The rest is theater for the soul's growth.
... Alex, you're hitting it out of the park on a regular basis! Well done, you!


"It's my voice but not my knowledge"❤️🙌🙏
