Confo - Genesis

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At Parvati Records the dancefloor never stops since we started dancing in the year 2000!
It continually evolves and moves. It keeps us entertained. It gives us catharsis and energy to bring to You new sounds.
The Perpetual Dancefloor is the new Digital V/A by Parvati Records. It presents 12 tracks assembled by Label Dj Full Lotus (UK) and Label Manager Giuseppe.
It features music by artists already well established within the Parvati roster as well as showcasing some of the newer artists added in the last few years. We are also thrilled to introduce to You some new previously unreleased projects for your listening pleasure.
Keep dancing and enjoy the ride!

VA - The Perpetual Dancefloor, released on 2022-06-03, Parvati Records, PRVDA10

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Parvati Records is an independent record label started in Denmark during the summer 2000 by Dj Giuseppe with the wish to contribute actively to the growth of the Psychedelic-trance scene. our goal is to discover and present quality music to party people all around the world.

Our artists Roster include Giuseppe, Jahbo, Arjuna, Onkel Dunkel, Atriohm, Audiofools, Derango, Vertical, Ectogasmics, Nobot, Farebi Jalebi, Confo, Mussy Moody, Red Eye Jedi, Mubali, Ulvae, Petran, Gappeq, Claw, Nargun, Elowinz, Gu, Flipknot, Kerlivin, Tengri, Vlastur, Drury Nevil, Weirdos, Third Eye of Monkey, Obelisk, Disobedient Perception, Dinosaur Spaceship, Atropp, N3xu5

Our V/A serieses include Psychedelically Yours, Psy Stories, Parvatrip, BrainZcrew, Attitude Adjustement

#Psytrance #PsychedelicTrance #Trance
Рекомендации по теме

En el pantano se divierte el cerebro ... musica bien hecha


Totally awesome, finest stuff in the world


Confo never disappoint, still among the genuine gifted best trance artist


Totaly Brain damage. Βάρα τρελέ μού εεεε! 🧠 🚀 💥


Συγχαρητηρια..συνεχισε να γραφεις μουσικαρες :D


wtf is this I5I5 chant doing in here (4:42) ??
