Adding SKYSCRAPERS to our City in Minecraft!

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Welcome to part two of our HUGE city building project! Today we built up our city's downtown area! Stay tuned for the next episode!
Big shout out to the team builders! : ClayBiegel, EpDan, FallsKnights30, Frostoid, Jashy1, Semilence, TheChillCat, CroissantMustard, coopthebluedragon, blubbob98, DROPdaBASS17, SimonCraft_, and Hoodlax

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some old brick buildings in downtown would look cool to show that this is an old city with history


You should totally add a sewer system or something that could be home to an underground cult (or the ninja turtles). The lore in the city would go crazy. Also you should definitely add a Chinatown-like area with cyberpunk buildings with cramped industrial parts. That would be awesome.


you should make a college campus at the other side of the city


Lore: In 1847, 3 Mexican outlaws fled from their hometowns and settled in a place now knows as the Almendro Crescent. One of the Outlaws name was Santiago Almendro, he was not of the best of condition when he fled and the 2 others practically carried him on their backs on their journey to start a new life until 1 day, Santiago Daniel Almendro said the most infamous lines that would dictate the most important part of the cities history. "Here men, this is the crescent where we lay claim to. This is now our new home and the home of those that lost theirs." He later passed away from a major infection just hours after he said those famous lines.

The two men in honor of Santiago Almendro decided to name the settlement after him as tribute. Soon enough, dozens of displaced Mexicans and even some Americans came to the settlement for refuge. They had nowhere else to go. One of these people was Susan Smith, a very stunning young lady. She was the figurehead for the small settlement as she saved the town with her brilliant knowledge. She taught the men and woman in the settlement what it meant to be mexican-american and how their cultures and people were not to be erased. This woman united the people who had very different backgrounds and ethnicities. She brought them together for a common cause.

a couple years later, the town was BOOMING because of the Californian gold rush, this was a pivotal moment for all of San Almendro. Many people flocked to the area in mass and the once small settlement of just a few dozen skyrocketed to a large town of 5, 000. The town was booming so quickly that every day, at least 10 more people came into the town. This was an outstanding achievement to the citizens as they prospered with wealth from the iconic gold mines which since have been abandoned but yet are a major tourist attraction in the modern age. Over time, the town had officially became incorporated into the Californian state, this moment put San Almendro on the map but however, the 3 settlers never saw this fame as they passed away.

fast forwarding a couple decades, it is 1909. The town was constantly outshined by her sister of San Diego, The city was forgotten until 1 fateful night, where a film industry started in the town. The whole idea was still very new and people were skeptical. However in a fortunate turn of events, this would lead to a hug- *Knock knock, Europe is fighting and America has been dragged into the conflict* The city of San Almendo was transformed into a industrial power house city, rapidly producing weapons and steel for America as it demanded. This led to the once poor situation with unempoloyment at its highest being knocked down to negligible levels. This revolutionized the city and flocks of people moving to the city improving its economic situation as more people worked. However this did not last for long as the great depression plauged the nation after the great war, the economy crashed and everything that was done by the war economy. San Almendo was back at square 1 with arguably even worse unemployment.

In the modern day, the marks of this time have since faded away but have not been forgotten. The Movie industry improved the city as it became one of its top economic things, its monuments like the statue of the 3 horsemen, the Susan Smith bridge, and other various structures have made San Almendo one of the top top toured cities in all of America, even in the world. Only behind cities like New York and Atlanta.

(Took me forever to write so hoped you like the lore i made🥳)


Hey Bubbaflubba! Im a proud subscriber. Here's a bit of a lore for you.

The Autonomous City of San Almendro is a city located in the San Almendro Valley, with a coastline to the Herkelian Sea. It is the capital of the state of Almendria. It has two bridges, the Almendrian Bay Bridge and the Julian T. Pamplona Bridge (named after Julian Pamplona, one of Almendria's biggest historical personalities)

San Almendro was founded in the year of 1852, during California's Gold Rush. Founded by Marco Polo Almendro, a notorious explorer born in Tlaxcala De Xicontecatl, Mexico.

The city's name derives from Almendro, Marco Polo's last name and the abundance of almond trees in the area when he discovered it.

After California's gold rush, San Almendro became a center of trade in the Wild West and the state of Almendria as a whole.

(Somebody can expand this if liked😀)


i think a baseball or football field with a view of the sea would be pretty cool


Next part, I’d like to see. Tourist attraction like a viewing tower where you can see the entire city from the top


The older section of the downtown could be some sort of 70s finance section or hotels/appartements from the 60-70s to put a lot of families up after some war


this city looks great! one suggestion is to make a part of the city like a chinatown or little italy type district


Add a curvy contemporary/modern Art gallery that is kinda like in the style Sydney Oprah House, to add to the list of tourist attractions,


tip for building interior it might be late now but do them in layers and use structure block to get quick interiors the only interior you should put detail in is the lobby, thank me later and Also I saw some planes in the background what’s that about? Also what was that building without footage you were talking about? Pin if u read this


Love the vid!
You asked for some lore for the old buildings.
Well what about a flood that washed away the part where now there are newer buildings? Because the older ones are a bit further away from shore.


allowing players to join, making real world economy and police and stuff, allow people to own plots of lands and bulid


Glad you did the subway idea, kind of sad about the upload schedule but it does make sense due to how long it takes to design and build a Minecraft structure. (Yes, I know they use world edit, don't complain in the replies.) And also a few questions, are you going to add a freight line to different areas in the city and are you going to add a commuter rail system, and if you do you should have it go around the shore. Thats all, thanks!


thats cool! hope the project gains more traction and appreciation as the tme goes on!!!!


this city is absolutely amazing, can’t wait to see every next episode!


imagine spectating this world when its done... imagine going through 1000 huge buildings, in each the whole inetriour is detailed... 1 month, 1 miracle.... keep it going boys


Wow this is a pretty great creation and when i grow up I wanna build a city just like you...The part i feel like you should add is a court, state house, mayors office and sort of an embassy or a white house. You can also add a police station, health centre, recreation centre, waste management centre, resorts, bank, supermarket
and city council


You should absolutely build a massive tall building towering over every other building, keep up the great work.


You can have one juicy chunky video with building exteriors, then have a very chill video walking around and checking out interiors that have been built so far. That way we get two videos with the same amount of work 😊
