Excel Magic Trick 1284: History of Excel Max or Min with Conditions / Criteria (5 Examples)

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Learn about 5 methods to make a Max or Min AND Criteria (AND Logical Test) Calculation with multiple Conditions / Criteria that have been used throughout Excel History:

(00:12) Introduction
1. (00:47) DMIN and DMAX functions
2. (03:40) MIN & IF function with Array Operations, and the MAX & IF function with Array Operations
3. (07:43) New in Excel 2010: AGGREGATE function with Array Operations
4. (10:41) New in Excel 2016: MAXIFS and MINIFS functions
5. (11:55) PivotTable with Filter on Row Area and Filter Area and MIN and MAX Functions
6. (13:27) Historical Summary

Office Insider Version: 16.0.6568.1011 or 16.0.6568.2025
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Great history of MIN/MAX. Thanks Mike.


Never got it all, but still picked up some tips. Many thanks.


I like this vid, Mike ! you're great !


Thanks so much for the amazing tricks, I am learning more every day so thanks for uploading. Was there any automated for you to put the "Ctrl" + "Shift" icons on the screen or do you just add these manually after creating your videos? (with Camtasia?)


Hi great video. But I never understood the Aggregate function. Why do we take total sales then divide and then multiply? Why the division and multiplication? I never understood that part. Please be kind upon me and explain to me that part of the Aggregate function. Also, for me personally I love the minifs function for Excel 2016. It is the easiest to understand for me and the best to apply.


kindly guide about the condition of "min if" the salary is between 4 million to 6 million than do deduct the amount exceeding the 4 million and multiply it with 5 %, but the minimum amount should be do make this formula.
