Is Chemical Engineering Hard? | Q&A

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In this video I answer frequently asked questions I've been getting about being a Chemical Engineering student. If you have any other questions, drop them down below so I can answer!

Chemical Engineering Q&A


► Music Credit: 'Low Frequency Music'
Track Name: 'Good Day'

License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.

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Hey bro I dont think you might remember me but a couple months ago I asked you a question and thanksfully you responded right away. I was having some time that I was having doubts on taking it and then I snapped back to reality after watching your videos. "Dont let something that scared you stop you from doing that thing" those words u said helped me out a lot and I definitely want to continue on this course. Thanks for the advice and keep up the good work!


This genuinely gives me so much confidence, starting Sep 22


I love that jersey on you!! Had to comment before watching because AlsWorthtv done blessed us with another one??!! Let me sit and watch 🔥🔥🔥


Thank you for the video, so spot on! Gotta thank you for putting me up on the organic chemistry tutor because we doing review homework right now and the class got me questioning if I even learned chemistry??? Lol, the debates in the class GroupMe and a confused head TA ain’t helping either (at this point thermo makes more sense). Watching a video and listening to the man’s gentle soothing voice guide me through examples is a Godsend.


Material and Energy Balance for me was one of the most difficult courses i’ve done in my first year of chem eng i ended up getting a B- in that course. Which was surprising considering i’m not the brightest when it came to maths. I’m currently a 2nd year student studying in Australia and so far my hardest chem eng class is Thermodynamics in Chemical Processes.


wow! you weren't required to take multivariable calculus? Lucky!!


I am an average student myself and although I know my strengths are in the languages department, I still decided to pursue this course. I am a 2003 baby and will just be entering university this coming August. Since Maths and Sciences were never one of my fortes, I plan to challenge myself and just enjoy this course. Thank you for inspiring us! Love lots 💓


I decided to study chemical engineering because i'm fascinated by basically production of consumer goods and chemical engineering has a role to play in it. Plus i love the whole engineering concept, the fact that i get to learn the dynamics of how to develop something small into something big. Hoping to gain more experience when i start my internship because honestly the education system in my country is not as great as i would like it to be.


I’m chemical engineer in Mexico and I moved to Canada. I worked in Mexico for two years. I haven’t studied chemistry or calculations anymore and I’m afraid of that because sometimes I feel like my memory is not the same. The point is that I would like to study again here in Canada but my English is not really good if I want to study again. Idk my memory is losing a lot information 🙁


I am doing my chemical engineering degree because I got sponsorship from a government-linked company in my country. that is like the only choice because or else I have to follow what my parents pressure me to be, a medical doctor. lol!! but gladly I love doing innovation projects and lab researching so it gives me hope to survive this degree. After 5 year bond with the company (or else ill be paying like 250k) maybe i just gonna pursue in business and media more. But I gotta say, I have been watching your videos many times and it gives me the string of hope for me to survive in the college. thanks bro!


Hey I will be starting with chemical engineering this September in my freshmen year, Are there any specific chemE related youtube channels that you recommend? Also I am very pumped to start with it but at the same time extremely scared with the amount of math involved, So yeah! Please do share your routine as in how many hours you put in for your work and exams, I am really pumped to be starting w ChemE, Also love your channel bro, I am definitely subscribing.


Just did my mass and energy balances exam and just remember how you said it was the hardest class and now I understand what you mean. the exam made zero sense and was just so hardd and that exam literally got me scared cas it was my first exam in this course.


Hi bro!
Can you give me time answering my queries.
1. What CAD softwares have you used?
2. Is light-powered GPU enough for my laptop to run CAD softwares?
3. What laptop requirements can you suggest for me as a chemical engg. student
4. Is having failed subjects/courses matters in having internships?


I enjoy math, chemistry and physics, l love to know a process of a product how it is produced, am i suitable to take chemical engineering?


I like physics, chemistry and biology but i’m not that happy when i study maths
Please what kind of engineering do u recommend


Hey I recently began Chem Eng, can you describe what a Chem eng job actually look like


hey, hum i saw some videos saying that this sector doesn't give many job oppotunities... I'll like to go on this field so much, but i din't wanna struggle..., i'm ready ti do internships on the summer etc, what do you think?


What are you specialising in ? Biotechnology, nuclear engineer...?


Chemical Engineering is not hard. It's intuitively difficult.
