Fullstack React GraphQL TypeScript Tutorial

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A fullstack project course that teaches you how to build a backend and frontend from scratch then deploy it.

Includes the follow technologies:

- React
- TypeScript
- GraphQL
- URQL/Apollo
- PostgreSQL
- MikroORM/TypeORM
- Redis
- TypeGraphQL
- Chakra

Links from video:

0:00:00 Intro
0:02:02 Node/TypeScript Setup
0:11:29 MikroORM Setup
0:39:50 Apollo Server Express Setup
0:47:32 MikroORM TypeGraphQL Crud
1:09:23 Register Resolver
1:23:27 Login Resolver
1:41:11 Session Authentication
2:03:06 Sessions Explained
2:32:36 URQL Basics
2:46:07 GraphQL Code Generator
2:53:16 Register Error Handling
3:10:57 NavBar
3:26:21 URQL Cache Updates
3:39:33 Logout
4:12:34 Forgot Password
4:35:31 Change Password
5:22:14 Why Switching to TypeORM
5:25:27 Switching to TypeORM
5:50:44 Many to One
6:02:26 Global Error Handling
6:31:26 URQL Pagination Start
6:50:02 Adding Mock Data
7:01:19 Chakra Styling
7:12:37 More URQL Pagination
7:32:07 Fix Mock Data
7:40:41 URQL Pagination Has More
8:00:53 GraphQL Fetching Relationships
8:18:43 GraphQL Field Permissions
8:23:16 Many to Many
8:46:46 Invalidate Queries
9:00:49 Upvote UI
9:23:11 Change Vote
9:31:57 Write Fragments
9:39:00 Vote Status
9:51:57 SSR Cookie Forwarding
10:04:08 Single Post
10:21:55 Delete Post
10:38:19 Edit Post
11:09:23 DataLoader
11:40:06 Cache Reset
11:43:55 Deploy Backend
11:52:56 Docker
12:03:29 Environment Variables
12:14:55 DB Migrations
12:21:40 Docker Hub
12:28:23 DNS
12:36:39 Deploy Frontend
12:57:28 Fix Cookie
13:03:07 Switch to Apollo

#benawad #fullstack #tutorial

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Just managed to finish it. I stopped at every single word or action I didn't fully understand and researched more into it. I ended up doing other small courses along the way to get a better knowledge of SQL, Server Side Rendering, Data Structures, Redis, Debugging, Networking and data mutations. It took me about three months but I can tell for sure I learned more within these three months than I did on a whole year before. Ben, you are amazing. Your efforts are tremendously appreciated and I wish you the very best.


My #1 advice when following this tutorial: If you run into an error, don't pause and research it. Hit play for 5 more minutes, he likely runs into it too even if not at the exact same time, and will explain it and how to fix it. Burned me a few times now.


I have finished today (took me more than 6 month) and got a front-end job a month ago. Thank you Ben!


Hey Ben, I just finished this 14 hours tutorial and wanted to say thank you for bringing us such a great content. I didn't know all the tricks you can do with typescript to improve the quality of your code. I learned a lot and think this is only the beginning of a hole new GraphQl world for me. You are the best!


Go from homeless to full stack FANG developer in one 14 hour tutorial featuring Ben Awad


I can't help but imagine the amount of hours or even days you put into making this 13Hr+ video. Kudos to you. Godspede


Just finished! Absolutely amazing tutorial. Perfect for intermediate programmers. Thanks so much Ben! Can't wait to jump into my side projects with everything I have learned from this.


Finally finished the full tutorial, took me about 1 month to really soak it all in. Thank you for such a great journey and through programming. Now I can start making my dream app!


14 hours is insane. Can’t imagine the amount of work required to put that together. Thanks Ben!


Thank you very much, Ben. I completed every step in this tutorial and took me about a month, as soon as you finished with the typeorm part I switched to pg just for fun and learned a lot of SQL that I didn't knew before, I think I just upgraded my stack thanks to you. Great insights of every piece of technology too.


Followed this tutorial till end, took almost a month to complete it (with hands on). But it was totally worth it. Felt like going through a mini college. Thanks a lot for the tutorial Ben.


Just finished the course! I feel like my brain is overflowing with knowledge. I literally invested my time in this and it was well worth it. Thank you master Ben Awad! This padawan is happy!


14 hours?? New level of respect for this! 👏👏


Even for an experienced developer, this is amazing! Thanks for putting together all this contents in a single long tutorial. There's so much to learn and new tools coming out every week that having resources like your videos helps so much to stay up to date.


Just completed whole video and going along write code together with you. I am on windows now and there were couple different things to setup, clients and terminal comands, like pg admin and redis but eventually all can be done. I really liked to see whole process the way you code, think and troubleshoot problems. I really learned from it and I think that kind of videos are most valuable. Thanks Ben


This is very comprehensive. I don't normally watch tutorials this long, but this one is just excellent as a crash course. Thanks!


I love how you say every little vscode "shortcut" you know as you're using it. I end up hearing a bunch that I already know that seem obvious but learning an equal amount of super handy ones that I can't believe I didn't know already


The best go to guide for full stack web dev. Thanks ben for this wonderful resource 🙏🙏


Well that was great. Thank you. I really appreciate you leaving in all the mistakes, debugging, etc. The thought process is way more valuable than the final result. Awesome stuff here.


I'm only 20 mins in but this is already such great content. I love how you don't overlook any little thing, especially the little IDE tips like autocompletion with CTRL+space !
