Full-Stack TypeScript Discord Clone: NestJS, GraphQL, Prisma, Postgres, React, Mantine | Pt. 1

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Welcome, aspiring full-stack developers! 🚀 In today’s tutorial, we’ll be diving into an exciting project, constructing a Discord Clone utilizing a blend of powerful technologies, all penned down in TypeScript.

🛠️ Tech Stack Backend:
NestJS: Our robust backend framework, enabling us to write scalable and maintainable code.
Prisma ORM: Bridging communication between our NestJS app and the Postgres database, ensuring efficient and secure data interaction.
GraphQL: Providing us with the ability to create strong, typed API queries, ensuring our data interactions are precise and reliable.
Docker: Simplifying our database deployment within a container to ensure smooth development.
🖌️ Tech Stack Frontend:
ReactJS: The cornerstone for our frontend, allowing us to build a dynamic and interactive UI.
Mantine UI & Custom CSS: Helping us design a beautiful, user-friendly interface.
Apollo Client: Seamlessly syncing our backend and frontend and managing global state, reducing the need for additional libraries like Zustand for database data.
GraphQL Codegen: Generating TypeScript types automatically from our GraphQL-Schema, enabling enhanced autocompletion for all our data interactions without the need for manual types or interfaces.
🌐 Additional Technologies:
Zustand: Taking care of our light global state management needs for the UI components.
Clerk: Managing user authentication efficiently and securely.
Whether you're a budding developer or sharpening your existing skills, this video is tailored to give you practical insights and hands-on experience in full-stack development. By the end of this tutorial, you will have gained a deeper understanding of how to integrate various technologies to create a coherent, fully-functioning application.

So grab a cup of coffee ☕, set up your coding environment, and let’s start building!

Happy Coding! 🧑‍💻
Рекомендации по теме

Hello, what would be the best way to create a simple MongoDb-clone ? So, that users can create their own db's, tables, ...


Hello, if you are seeing errors from apollo client, just enable cors in vite because the frontend server needs to recieve the request from the backend server, you can enable it in vite.config.ts in defineConfig and add server:{cors:true } or configure it
thank you !


hello i got this proble;e on createservermodal unable to solve it 'Modal' refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. Did you mean 'typeof Modal'?


Can u build e commerce with nestjs and react or nextjs


@codingIsLove how to run the project from github and what all packages do i have to install ?


Hi, Chief is this one part project am I right ?There is no second part of this video, by the way, great job.


Hey can you build one using next 13, nest, graphql, stripe, typeorm, mysql??


[GraphQL error]: Message: Profile not found, Location: [object Object], Path: getServers

This error appears and I cannot solve it .
By the way, you are amazing


[GraphQL error]: Message: Profile not found, Location: [object Object], Path: getServers How do I solve it, can someone help me or someone who has already solved it?


please also add real time notification


So you are using 3rd party library for video conferencing! Why not create by own? Because in real world project some company don't prefer it you know!


to be honest this is rubish and it is not beginner friendly it almost like you did not prepare for the tutorials be teaching
