Chest pain: symptoms, causes and what to do

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Dr Iqbal Malik, a leading consultant cardiologist and Medical Director of OneWelbeck Heart Health in London explains what chest pain can feel like, what symptoms you could experience, the possible causes of it and what you should do if you are experiencing this issue.

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The center of my chest has been an on and off pain, feels like a bone pain. I’ve noticed it started when I would put myself in “child like poses” like curling up in a ball and similar stuff, it’s just something I’ve always done, but last summer it started to cause the center of my chest to hurt and sneezing and coughing at times would be very painful but it would go away, it actually hasn’t been noticeable for the last couple months but just a couple days ago it started again and it is the worst it’s been since it started. I started working out back in the summer and that’s around the same time it started.


Can sleeping on your side cause angina pain? Sometimes I roll onto my side and a chest pain is within seconds. I'm 275lbs, but otherwise healthy.


Hi Doc I've been having chest pains from last year but right now it's worse from last week mostly the pain is from the left side


Thanks for the tips. Will also make sure theres someone behind us


I’m getting the same chest pains again but it’s not so much hurting the first time I had it in March and I needed to go to hospital but they told me I had to get down there myself as it will get 8 hours for the ambulance to come.

I have really bad anxiety on checking the doctors with my chest pain so i just kinda wait until it goes if not i hope for the best.


Hey doc... i have been suffering from bronchitis since birth... now i no longer get blocked but instead i get chest pains ..especially durring the night ..should i be worried


I have pain in my chest I went to the doctors and they say everything is good but when I am sitting down or doing something my left side chest hurt when I am breathing it come like to 4 days or two


I have been feeling dc chest pain since 2018 ..the pain is located to my left side..


Dr, I experience this chest pain ever since 8 years and am 25 now, I have gone through several ECGs and x-rays but they don't rule out anything, , , I have swallowed different medications but the pain doesn't go away. So can you please help me out!, coz I'm dying of too much pain and I don't know what's wrong with me


I am having a chest pain very often, after a cricket ball was by chance hitted to my breast in childhood during playing .so it causes pain not regularly but sometimes, so what can i do?please suggest????


I have been feeling pain in my chest since last 7 years. I started feeling chest pain after taking homeopathic medicine(HR 2 Hytron by Masood) for increasing height. Right after a week, I started feeling pressure on my left side only.At first I thought it's because it's effect on my bones and helping it to increase height but after a week I had to quit that medicine as I was an able to bear the pain. This pain comes when I am tired after work but it goes when I take a nap in the afternoon. It happens at night too. The left side of my body instantly get heavier starting from chest ending on the left arms. Sometimes this pain goes to my back and my left legs. The right side of my body always stays lighter throughout. This pain gets milder when I wake up after having a sound sleep.


My husband had chest pain . It was a heart blockage. He now had a stent put in. Since then I’ve had prickly chest pain but I’ve been so anxious. I have a hiatus hernia and Barrett’s oesophagus. I’m 69 . I went to my doctor last week . She didn’t examine me.


i’ve got chest pain atm, i’ve had it for about 5 days now, i notice it gets worse the longer i’m up doing things, but i now have pain in my back and sometimes in my stomach, as well as a cough


Hi doc. I'm suffering from chest pain for almost a month now. I did an ECG, endoscopy, covid, utrasound, thyroid and sugar test. Except normal except that I have a cyst in my left ovary. The doctor said cyst cannot cause chest pain. Initially I thought it's acid reflux but it's not. I have pinching pain on the skin near my chest and the same sharp pinching pain in the upper back, upper abdomen and near the ribs. Today I'm going to a neurologist and will also do an echocardiogram. But I'm worried and I feel that I'll never get a cure for it. Do u know what can be the reason for the same. Can it be serious like cancer or something?


Ive had chest pain symptoms but in the end it was just a really bad cold, it could have triggered my asthma which caused chest pains etc


Im terrified i cant breath properly and it hurts


I'm a 16 year old girl and I've been having left sided chest pain for 3 weeks now, I was at school last week Tuesday when I had an episode where I couldn't breathe felt lightheaded had palpitation and felt weak plus the chest pain, it's sometimes a sharp pain and other times a really hard pressure like someone is standing on my chest. I was rushed to the doctor and did an chest x-ray and ECG but everything came out normal but my blood pressure was a little high, I was given painkillers then sent home. The doctor said the pain is probably a side effect of the vaccine (Prizer). When I got home everything just got worse and the pain killers aren't working. Now I feel chest pain at both left side and right side mostly left, back pain and pain in my left arm. I had a few times where I couldn't move my left arm because it felt like it was tight and if I moved it my chest feels like it would break in. The chest pain faded a little then I started having severe chest tightness/pressure that won't go away. Sometimes I can't sleep because of it. last night when I was eating an heavy meal I started feeling sharp stabbing pain in my chest (Left side) and i could barely move. I don't know what's happening and I'm scared can someone please help me?


Am having a chest pain for 8month now but no other signs just pain when I visited the hospital everything was ok


I got chest pain now when I got vaccine, is any healing for this? I think there is behind this..


I'm having pain on my left side chest area, it hurts when I sneeze or cough, when I get up from having a lie down it hurts, I sometimes hold my left breast to cough it feels like grabbing, also pressure on my left side also hurts. It's been 2 weeks I'm 40yrs young
