The Easy Way To End Perfectionism & Procrastination - ADHD Coach

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Welcome to this week's video. We are talking about how to stop with perfectionism and procrastination. By the end of this video, you will know how to be on to yourself about both. We run ourselves into the ground with perfectionism. It leads to procrastination, and from there we can't trust ourselves to do what we say we will do. Once you can do what you say you will do you can have anything you want in life.

There are many reasons people lack executive function skills, and ADHD is a big factor. I myself have ADHD hyperactive. My belief is that ADHD is not a bad thing, but unmanaged, it can create some bad results. Many people's experiences I work with are like my own. They can't figure out how to get their life together. They think something is fundamentally wrong with them. Often we are diagnosed with depression or anxiety when what is really happening is untreated or unmanaged ADHD formally there was a separate diagnosis of ADD, but now those are combined.

It is my passion to work with people to develop the executive function skills they are lacking. This often shows up as an issue with self-regulation, poor organization, planning, motivation and time management. Also, impulsivity, poor working memory and much more. You can imagine that a lot of self-love and self-esteem work needs to be done because we are so used to the lack of follow through and failure. We just stop believing in ourselves. Not to mention, our brains do not like change and need to be managed through this process.

Here is a link to all the places you can hang out with me.
Рекомендации по теме

So glad I found this channel.
You saying "uncomfortable with the THOUGHT of starting the tasks, and not uncomfortable with the act of doing the tasks" is weirdly impactful

Something clicked immediately. Placebo or whatever, but I feel like I can understand the "uncomfortable" feeling when I begin doing tasks immediately.

Thank you so much


Thanks for putting your content out there, it makes a difference.


The fact that this video hit me so hard - both despite and because of the fact that it's not been overly polished and cooked to flawlessness (clearly leading by example!) - says it all, and could not be more inspiring. Powerful stuff, thanks a lot for it.


I just booked a consultation with you. Honestly, I’m VERY impulsive and I’ve had ADHD Coaching with some of the best, since being diagnosed. However, something tells me you might be “IT”. Something about your delivery and you repeating “it’s the THOUGHT” has me 😮.


I battle with both types of procrastination


I like the unedited ones better. You seem more you. I like real better. Love your videos. They are helping me so


You just hit the nail on the head and solved my procrastination problem!!! I love it when my art or music or ministries turn out well and make others happy, but I think I love the dopamine rush too much and don't like the discomfort of simply doing the easy parts when starting a fresh new project or organizing my messy work area & files that have tons of useful information I'll need for reference. I'm guessing but maybe I've become a dopamine addict who is quite happy all the time, while not living up to my potential by procrastinating on anything that's not fun to do in that moment, even when it would lead to a happy ending later on. A thousand thank yous!


Thank you Mande, this has been very helpful. The fact that your video is less than perfect ( iyho) is ideal as way of showing the authenticity of your approach.


OMG helpful!! And if it’d been longer I wouldn’t have watched it! 😂 thank you!


My mother has struggled her entire life with being on time to work, and I have watched it unfold and my worst Fear is being like her educating myself on this topic and watching this video really helped me. I have been late my entire life and I have procrastinated projects my entire life throughout school I had to do Saturday schools because I would show up so late and I would lose jobs because of the same thing following my mothers path. Thank you for putting this video out there. It helps me.


I don't like to sweep my home's floor, because it normally has a lot obstaculos that wouldn't need to be there or even some furniture spread all over. So, in order to see my job well done and to make it perfectly done, I'd need to take off all those things from the floor before start sweeping! That is too much for me!!! It's doubled work!!! At least if my mom could learn how to keep the floor clear of those things, I'd keep it, smilingly, sweepd and free of dusty!


Throughout my life I have had many times where I've felt discomfort but pushed myself to do the task anyway. In the past I was high functioning but I find it harder and harder to function now. Sometimes I tell myself that just because I don't feel like it doesn't mean that I can't, and I will push myself to do it anyways, but the issue is I feel like it's not sustainable. Eventually I get burnt out and after a while I no longer feel like I can keep pushing through the discomfort and end up feeling more discouraged and hopeless about making changes or keeping up with things


Thank you so much. I will apply your advice and hope it will help me.


I wish I can get rid of the discomfort


What about if the fear of failure means you can’t perform tasks


It’s so hard for me to start gym because my body isn’t already perfect. Does this even make sense???
It’s also hard for me to start my business because I don’t feel like it’s perfect enough, or I don’t have all the complements I need for it to be perfect.


I am so ADHD I only saw ur beautiful face and ur lips moving.


So - embrace the discomfort? 🤔
That might actually work. 😏
