Freedom of Choice? - How the GOVERNMENT and LOBBIES influence YOU | ENDEVR Documentary

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Freedom of Choice: How the Government Controls What You Consume | Lobby Industry | Business Documentary from 2014

Life is about choice. What we eat, what we read, who we elect; every day we make choices that determine how we want to live.
But what if these choices are just an illusion?
In an era where regulations and red tape rule every industry, where lobby groups and big businesses wield more influence than ever before, our daily choices have become increasingly limited. And with all our options so deliberately handpicked, are we really making a choice at all?
Freedom From Choice examines the current state of life and personal choice today. Experts from many different fields offer a frank and startling look at the hidden limitations in our daily lives. Focusing on key areas such as food, medicine, finance, and media, Freedom From Choice provides viewers with a glimpse at the myriad of ways their lives are being dictated and tells us who stands to gain.

00:42:38 - 00:44:30
#FreeDocumentary #ENDEVR #FreedomFromChoice
ENDEVR explains the world we live in through high-class documentaries, special investigations, explainer videos and animations. We cover topics related to business, economics, geopolitics, social issues and everything in between that we think it’s interesting.
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I wish more people understood this. It's not left vs. Right. It is and always has been, Us vs Them


I never knew a documentary could be this satirical, pointing out how flawed our agencies and laws are.


EVERYONE needs to watch this video!! Especially with all of the hatred going on right now between political parties. People don’t understand WHO our government is really working for! Very few elected officials truly care about any of us. I’ve watched this become worse over the years


Just when I thought I couldn’t hate the government anymore I watch this to make my blood boil even more. the people need to wake up and fight back


"There is little done by the federal government that is not influenced by a choice to favor one special interest over another." I.e corruption.


I disagree with how they portrayed these issues. We don’t want “freedom from government, ” we want “FREEDOM FROM TYRANNY.” Government regulation is not inherently a bad thing. Healthcare for everyone, paid for by taxes, for example, is something everyone should want, rather than a police state paid for by taxes. Guaranteed income, clean air, clean water, caps on rent and mortgage— these are all things that other rich nation governments provide for their people via taxes. America is the only country to not provide those things and instead pay for more police, more police, more police.


Lived near Mennonite community in TN for 5 years, drank raw whole milk straight from the cow, chilled in a spring house. Hardly ever had a sniffle besides hay fever. Excellent for humans when natural.


When I was sixteen, some 50-years ago, I used to work in a popular health food store in Los Angeles. I worked there for over seven years, and our biggest seller was raw milk, and raw milk products. In all that time, I never even HEARD of a single person getting ill from raw milk. I'd like to share my story, one that every American consumer should hear if they truly want to know who controls the entire food industry.

Back in the sixties, the American Dairy Council wanted to stamp out all competition to their pasteurized products, in other words, any milk that isn't boiled at high temperature. All mass-produced milk comes from over-stressed cows, pumped full of steroids and antibiotics, and sometimes not under the most sanitary conditions. But by boiling milk to death, it eliminates any of these "problems, " including giving the product longer shelf life, ALWAYS a major concern of all mass-produced food products. The "bad news" is, this heating process also kills nearly ALL of the natural nutrients present in raw milk, including the naturally-occurring digestive enzymes it contains which makes raw milk directly from the cow a truly "perfect food." The proof of this is, I am extremely lactose-intolerant, but with raw milk I could drink an entire quart without a single problem.

"Back in the day" the leader in raw milk producers was *Alta Dena Farms, * a family owned and operated dairy, who always raised the most sanitary and healthy cows in the industry, always certified by the FDA as having a clearly superior, totally safe, and all-natural product. But when the ADC tried to force them to boil their milk, they refused, and the government decided to punish them for it. One of their hidden operatives planted a few quarts of their milk with a non-lethal salmonella bacteria, but no one ever got ill, because they mysteriously pulled ALL of Alta Dena's products, including butter and cheese, off the store shelves before anyone was the wiser. After nearly bankrupting them with this staged event, the story eventually went away and Alta Dena was back in business, but they refused to pasteurize their milk like everyone else, as this was their only competitive edge in the entire market. That is when the government decided to permanently DESTROY the small family dairy, by "suddenly discovering" a second few quarts of milk mysteriously containing salmonella, and again without a single human being ever getting ill. But the handwriting was on the wall. Soon thereafter, Alta Dena was permanently out of business, bankrupted by the unending lawsuits they could no longer afford. This is how the major food corporations like Monsanto gets rid of the competition, not by creating a better product, but with continual and backbreaking lawsuits.


I always find it surprising when I talk to someone who doesn't already know at least some of this. Almost everyone has, in their possession, easy access to the sum total of human knowledge. Unfortunately 99% of them never even think to use that power as they've been conditioned to stare at a box in the living room that tells them what to think and do.


"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing" cant remember who said it but they were spot on!


Made in 2014, but Absolutely fits today in every way. Thanks for posting. Everybody needs to watch this all the way through!


Wow what an incredible video, something I've known all along, that's why i got fed up with all of this and pursued what made me happy not them. I grow my own food, work for my own needs and my family needs. I'm tired of the corrupt humans manipulating the system to their advantage, I am free to do what is right in eyes of God and pursue happiness by righteous laws. I AM FREE!! The revolution starts when you decide that money is not the main thing you depend on, there are so many options other than money and banks and corrupt govermnet.


This was the perfect time to come out with this documentary


How come the sound was muted from 42:38 to 44:28? We're probably not allowed to hear that and YouTube protected us from this harmful information. This is another example of how they decide for us what we need to eat, what to drink, what to listen to or watch, what to say and think. It reminds me of old times when I lived behind steel curtains back in USSR. Great achievements of free society!


ive never been as entertained and educated with someone talking about farming as i do listening and watching joel salatin talk about farming


ENDEVR please create website n put all the vids in website backed up. i feel some day YouTube will delete your vids. your channel is the best.


I remember being able to watch things like this around 10 or so years ago when I was a kid; they would play documentaries like this on mainstream news channels and let the population decide how much they would take to heart. Now everything is just...neutered. The truth is considered to be whatever each individual says it is. It's always interesting to see what goes viral and what doesn't now that this kind of whistle blowing has fallen out of fashion. Too many in our generation love to preach social responsibility, rights, and morality, but rarely do you see them actually walking the talk or even being bothered to make something like this as popular as their war against things like "mansplaining".


" Our animals don't do drugs "
I swear this is the best statement of the century


"Freedom requires risk" i was thinking that guy was a genius, then he said that, and he confirmed it. The farmer guy was making very intelligent and well formulated points. The academic guys made points, but the farmer, you can see how the regulations make his life harder and harder..


Amazing video we don’t have choice just the illusion . The major brands just have smaller sister companies to give the illusion of choice.
