How can we help build climate resilience? #conservation #ocean #climatechange

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Human-induced global warming is exacerbating climate disasters, including ocean acidification, flooding and the destruction of sensitive ecosystems like coral reefs. 🔥🌍

The impacts of climate change fall disproportionately on the world’s most marginalised communities - particularly those highly dependent on the direct use of natural resources.

Many coastal communities live in severe poverty on the front line of a rapidly changing climate.

So we’re supporting traditional fishing communities to withstand climate breakdown.

Rebuilding depleted fisheries is an effective way to help avert dangerous climate breakdown; reducing negative climate change impacts, while supporting food security, biodiversity, and human health and well-being.

Across more than a dozen countries we are helping hundreds of thousands of people in low-income communities to protect and restore ocean ecosystems, including carbon-rich mangroves and seagrasses as a natural climate solution. 🌴🌊
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