If You Want To Be Happy, Don't Do This! - Teal Swan

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Many people wanting to be happy in life are constantly striving for this end goal of happiness. They think that if they just work hard enough and put in enough hours that happiness will eventually come. Teal speaks on how this approach of “the means justify the ends” doesn’t work and the secret to being happy is doing something you want and like to do in order to get what you want.


Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.


Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:


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"Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop..." - that's basically how we live as a society right now. And we call it a normal life.


Thank you so much, Teal. I was sitting at home telling my father how passionate I am about speaking. I said “it’s odd because I always considered myself shy and I never liked speech class in school. That’s because I didn’t like speaking about an assignment given to me but I liked speaking about things that I am passionate about”
Dad said “we’ll you’ll have to learn that we have to do things we don’t want to do”
I knew this was a false narrative passed down through generations but I didn’t rebuttal because I knew that we are operating from different levels of consciousness. However I began seeking the a good response for the future of this claim that we have to do things we don’t want to do. And I came upon this video. And cried because you always help me so much to better understand my intuitive insights. I am grateful for all of the work you do. I am in deep gratitude ❤️


I started living by this principle at 17. My childhood was hugely affected by my dad grinding at his job despite hating where he worked, and he took it out on his family.
I worked my ass off and hated it to get straight A’s because I was desperate for his approval.
But after graduation at 17 I could not bring myself to do it anymore, I felt so burned out. His way of life set my priorities straight once I was old enough to reflect and make my own choices. I always told him I want to do anything that's opposite of what he does (can I call this my negative imprint teal?).
My life now at 25 is a chaotic but personally meaningful pursuit of making art, living spirituality, and seeking connection. There was and is a lot of pain and feeling lost on my path too, but I feel I am coming home to myself more and more instead of losing myself in a means to an end career.
It's chaotic because I often stop in my tracks of pursuing career success to question whether I am actually happy in what I'm doing or just conforming. I feel the pressure of society, and it sadly works its way into artistic careers and job markets too. But I never settled for it, I am continuing to fight for my own path of freedom and peeling back the layers protecting my true self from shining.
I finally understand why it's so hard for me to relate to most people, who think being strategic is the only possible way of life. This was the only way forward for me at 17, everything else would not have felt worth living at all.


I honestly wish I had known this 30 years ago. My child self needed to hear this so much.


"I'm tired of chasing my dreams, I'm just gonna ask them where they're going and hook up with them later"
Mitch Hedberg
That's my philosophy.


Wow i clicked expecting some motivacional BS, but this 100% true


The workdays becomes counting hours and surprisingly or not because of law of attraction and momentum, the weekends gets worse than the work days so you wait for the night to drink it away.


I'm working on it; and I'm doing what Love', takin to you'.


This is a hard medicine to swallow... I keep pausing the video to try and calm myself down from the fear that keeps popping up of seeing things more clearly and not allowing me to think straight... You got this, Jessica, I believe in me... play the video...

Edit: I erased a word I left by mistake.


I hope you'll make more video's on this topic. Looking for happiness or fulfillment in the future is such an ingrained fallacy in society, it's going to take a lot of determined people to turn the tide.


Really well said Teal. Hopefully this video can serve as a wake up call for those who have been living this way for so long that they have forgotten that that is how they have been inauthentically living the whole time. Very difficult thing to remember/realize for those people.


I'm dealing or will be dealing with that pretty soon. Told myself that I'm currently working my last 9 to 5 before I go out and really create the type of life I want for myself.

The introverted INFJ type that wants to and will eventually make a career or lifestyle by helping others help themselves, that likes talking and getting to know people but at the same time doesn't like going out meeting them as much, as of now.

I think the key is to find a way, or to continually find ways that will make me like going out and meeting people.


Aw, this reminds me of early Teal. Love it.

What you say here is so true -- and I keep forgetting, and then one day leads to the next, then to the next, repeat cycle of not doing what I truly want... Thanks for the reminder!


This resonated with me so deeply, at a point in my life where I have been literally pondering on the exact points raised in this video. Very interesting how this just popped up too. I think the key is, you need to be very clear with yourself and knowing what you love, I think that is where I will follow, and it will lead me to where I need to go.


Hope you know what a blessing you are. Im very thankful for you


You make it sound so simple. It’s hard out here for people and we do what we can to survive. Love the spiritual sense but I have to face the reality of this cruel world. Hopefully I can preach like you one day.


you hit it on the nail teal! great work!


I think I can use now - We all need to do an audit and determine if we are on course currently to the desired destination. I am slightly adrift and will make a few course corrections. Thanks for the reminder Teal.


Relevant and right on time. Thank you.


Wow I have a problem with this. I’m contantly thinking about my life strategically... always in my head. I have to do this to get this.
