Introduction to LAMP for Parents and Caregivers

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Do you have a child who uses AAC? Do you have a child who could benefit from utilizing AAC?  Do you have questions about AAC and what device could be the right fit for your child and family? We hear you and want to help! 

Join Laura as she provides a walk through of LAMP: Words for Life on an Accent device. LAMP, or Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning, provides core vocabulary while providing models using consistent motor planning. Laura will be giving a peak into LAMP and will provide some quick (but helpful) instructions for the basic functions for families whose child is currently using LAMP. If your child uses or if your family is considering augmentative-alternative communication, then this Talks, Tips, and Tricks is for you!

If, after tuning into this video, you are left wondering if an AAC devices would be a good fit for your child ... let our team support you and help you navigate this decision With so many options out there, it's hard to even know where to start. For more information about AAC devices or to speak to a highly trained speech therapists,  fill out an initial inquiry form and call us today!
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