Half Hour Hegel: The Complete Phenomenology of Spirit (Preface, sec 64-66)

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In this twenty-eighth video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, I read and comment on the sixty-fourth, sixty-fifth, and sixty-sixth paragraphs of the text, from the Preface.
In these paragraphs, Hegel discusses some of the issues involved with speculative philosophy and language. Speculative philosophy involves a different use and approach to language, one which cannot be grasped adequately from the perspective of the argumentative/ratiocinative mode.
At the same time, he affirms that non-speculative uses of language have their scope of legitimacy, and he points out that even speculative philosophy is stuck using the same language as all other modes of thought and expression. He then gives us an interesting example of a subject not to begin with: "God."
In this video series, I will be working through the entire Phenomenology, paragraph by paragraph -- for each one, first reading the paragraph, and then commenting on what Hegel is doing, referencing, discussing, etc. in that paragraph.
This series is designed to provide an innovative digital resource that will assist students, lifelong learners, professionals, and even other philosophers in studying this classic work by Hegel for generations to come.
The introductory music for the video is: Solo Violin - BWV 1004 - Partita for Violin No. 2 - Recorded in Brooklyn June 26, 2011 specifically to be dedicated to the Public Domain
My videos are used by students, lifelong learners, other professors, and professionals to learn more about topics, texts, and thinkers in philosophy, religious studies, literature, social-political theory, critical thinking, and communications. These include college and university classes, British A-levels preparation, and Indian civil service (IAS) examination preparation
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