FIRST TIME HEARING Lukas Graham - 7 Years *TEARS*

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Lukas Graham - 7 Years

lukas graham 7 years reaction,lukas graham 7 years,lukas graham reaction,lukas graham,7 years reaction,7 years,reaction,reaction to lukas graham,7 years lukas graham reaction,lukas graham reactions,reactions,lukas graham 7 years rapper reaction,7 years old song,lukas graham - 7 years [official music video] reaction,lukas graham react,lukas graham - 7 years,lukas graham videos,once i was 7 years old,lukas graham top tracks,reaction channel
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Refreshing to see a real, human reaction, this is what reaction channels should be


Yesterday was history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Today is a gift,
That's why we call it 'the present'


My Mom was dying from cancer, I held her hand and said "Dad is waiting for you. Remember his soft kiss"? She took a deep breath, which she hadn't done in over a week. She past away the next day. My parents, both 67, and truly Loved each other. I miss them each and everyday.❤🙏


When it switches from "Soon *we'll* be 30 years old" to "Soon *I'll* be 60 years old" hits hard.


“I made a man so happy when I wrote a letter once” changed the world 😢❤🙏


You're stronger than you think my friend. I lost my Dad almost five years ago and my Mama almost six years ago with a brother in between the two. All I can say is stay strong. Let out the tears and don't hold em back because that just brings more sorrow and pain to ourselves. Take an old man's advice and pray that God will take away the pain and move on my friend. You're not ALONE!


I lost my dad when I was 15. Time doesn't heal all wounds.... but you do learn to live with it. Hang in there - and appreciate your memories.


I havent cried in a while, but watching this video had me drenched. Thank you for that. New subscriber


Lost my pops 8 months ago, he was 64 I was 17. Still think about him every day. Such a powerful reaction man.


Im sorry for your loss of your dad. My daddy died unexpectedly at age 57 in 2011 and to this day it is hard to see pictures or think of him. I was his baby girl and i will forever miss that. Hugs and love


I really don't think anyone will ever read this message, I don't even know why I'm writing it, the loved one I lost is myself, I don't know who I'am anymore, I turn 23 in less then a month, and I really don't know anymore, I feel like an empty shell, and endless darkness that leads to nothing, I really don't enjoy anything anymore, everything has lost its colour, the beauty about my own life is gone, the only reason I'm still here is because I don't want to make others sad, even though I'm already sad, I really don't know what how real happiness feels anymore, I don't even remember the happiness I felt as a child, everything is dull, whenever I'm alone I'm in an endless abyss of darkness, whenever I'm with people the abyss is not as dark, but I'm still lonely, so alone. If you read this thanks for reading the words of someone who feels like they are wasting away into nothingness.


Such a beautiful and powerful reaction.

Hang in there, Bro ❤


i lost my mum and dad and my 2 sisters in a car crash im the only one that survived luckily and now i live with my nan and bamps and watching ur vids make my life so much better i love u bro ur doing goodxxxx


One of the most powerful things for a real man to do is cry when they need to. That’s what makes a real man.


coming from a 13 year old that use to love this song when i was 7! I lost my mom when i was 8 after i turned 8 my mom died in october and she always made halloween so fun and her laughing. I cannot no longer remember her laugh or her voice. But she showed me this song when i was 7 and learn to cherish who’s there for you and to remember who gave you the best of you because time will pass by so quick and you will lose friends and family and learn from mistakes and behavior and learning from one another. I am almost 14 and it has been years without her and i have been living with my dad and my brother for 4 or 5 years now and it has never been the same. My moms whole friend group died too. Only 1 of her friends is still alive and talks to us. My brother just turned 18 and might move out next year and my dad met a new women that i dislike. My dad is going on to 43 or 44 years old. I use to be super close best friends with my brother. He use to be bright and happy and when our mom left, he started changing slowly and wore a lot of black, he isn’t emo. He skates and rides bikes now. He has a lot of friends and he smokes and all this stuff. Our nana is still broken from moms death and i am too. She gave us the best childhood and she is who i look up to in the future, i have a bf now and we talk about getting married. I write to her about him and i use to write songs about her. Just one persons death can really affected your perspective on life and change everything. Even if you find someone annoying sometimes or are mean to them. They aren’t gonna stick around forever and that everyone dies at a point in time and that you need to give them your love at most. Because you don’t know how longer they will be there. It can be so unpredictable, life flashes before your eyes. Months go by fast and you lose people who help you find the light. And you will miss their presence. My mother passed away at 37 years old from brain cancer rest in peace to my beautiful momma❤.


I'm 63 loved this song years back always choked me up. Yep thinking of my life at 7 and how great it was. How things have changed. Miss my mom and dad. Worked hard to give us girls a great life. You are an amazing person. God Love You.


As a dad of 2 girls, one your age, seems like your pops did a great job raising you. I almost lost my pops at 23, planned his funeral. Changed my outlook on life and my loved ones. Stay strong young man. Time heals all... keep grinding


Lost my father when he was 48. I was 24. Feel your pain man.


Him crying is making me cry love u man


This actually hitted me. I’m only 14 so I’m really young and not mature yet and this was the song that built my childhood. My dad had me late and has type 1 diabetes, few months ago the doctor told us that if he could survive up to 8 years. My dad has to weight everything he eats and calculate some percentages if he wants to live the longest. He starts eating less or sometimes doesn’t calculate. He worked during his entire life and his dream was to be a photographer. He eventually got prizes and in his entire life, only one person bought one of his photos. My dad is my best friend and when I was watching this reaction my brain processed only now the fact if he does the best I can only live with him until I’m 22 made me cry. His life long he worked to get us food but never had the time for him, I wish him to live the rest of his life to the fullest ❤
