'Quantum simulations (of high-energy physics models)” by Ignacio Cirac

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03:27 Ignacio Cirac (Max-Planck Institut für Quantenoptik)
59:16 Public interventions

---------- Abstract: ----------
Many-body quantum systems are very hard to describe and simulate in general, since the dimension of the state space grows exponentially with the number of particles, volume, etc. This problem arise in many branches of science, including nuclear, atomic, molecular, and condensed matter physics. Cold atomic systems may help us to overcome that problem, as one can engineer the interactions among the atoms to emulate many-body quantum problems.In this talk I will explain how this can be done in current experiments. I will also present some recent work where we have analyzed how to usecold atomic systems to simulate simple high-energy models. In particular, I will explain how lattice (compact) QED and QCD in different dimension may be simulated. Time permiting, I will also mention other efforts to describe and simulate (classically) some of those problems using tensor-network techniques, as developed in the context of quantum information theory.

---------- Notes: ----------
---------- Areas of Research:
Theoretical Quantum Optics, Quantum Information

---------- Links: ----------

---------- Date / Place: ----------
ICC Colloquia (February) 26/02/2015
Aula 103 (Facultats de Física i Química)
Universitat de Barcelona
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Why does everybody in the audience look so bored? Physics and quantum physics should be FUN...


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