Dubtown S01E20 - Does it BLOODY Matter part 1
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blood transfusions are one of the most deeply engrained of jehovahs witness dogma.
Even though the 4 main componants of blood are by definition fractions, they are banner, meanwhile other mostly smaller fractions are ok.
Fractions produced from stored, donated blood are allowed even though jehovahs witnesses still hold to the mosaaic law demanding blood be poured out when it leaves the body!
if fractions are ok then using your own stored blood is ok. if using your own blood is ok, what is wrong with using stored blood from a different source?
Other music this week was from the wonderful creators.
im not making these videos for financial gain, but any donations are used to purchase lego and other things to make these videos better in the fututre. thank you
Dubtown Theme:
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Even though the 4 main componants of blood are by definition fractions, they are banner, meanwhile other mostly smaller fractions are ok.
Fractions produced from stored, donated blood are allowed even though jehovahs witnesses still hold to the mosaaic law demanding blood be poured out when it leaves the body!
if fractions are ok then using your own stored blood is ok. if using your own blood is ok, what is wrong with using stored blood from a different source?
Other music this week was from the wonderful creators.
im not making these videos for financial gain, but any donations are used to purchase lego and other things to make these videos better in the fututre. thank you
Dubtown Theme:
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0