Dobby Was Taken to ER with Cluster Seizures -- Video of one Included

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In this video I am talking about Dobby's seizure problem, what is being done about it, plus I included a video of one of his seizures. Warning: It's hard to watch but I do provide a countdown before showing it.
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My heart breaks for sweet Dobby. My mom's Caucasian Ovcharka is having seizures as well. It's so heartwrenching to watch. Hers look just like Dobby's. I hope you have been able to find the right dose for him and that's you are all able to get some relief. I wish you all the best ❤.


That is so heartbreaking. Hoping & praying that this can be brought under control, and sending my best to you and your family. ❤️


I’m going thru this right now .dog is under observation at the er vet right now. I watched your financial video too. We scrapped together all the money we could but made the decision that the dog would not want to live with frequent scary seizures that wipe him out. We as his caretakers can’t see him going thru this either nor can we afford too. The ER vet is 1400 for 11 hours of cluster seizure care to try to get them stop. It’s a tuff spot to be in. You have to do what is best for the animal and your family and it sucks


My `16 year old pup started having seizures and lasted about 2 years before I had to make the heartbreaking decision of letting him go as his quality of life was not one I would want to live through. I would explore CBD's and working w/ vets that specialize in seizures. I hope Dobby can live a full life once you get a treatment plan in place for him, I'm pulling for him!


I could only watch a few seconds of his seizures, it brings back horrible memories of when my dog used to have them, I think I may have PTSD from that.


My last dog also had seizures. She lived about 12 years. I got her when she was 4 years old. It’s so hard because you can’t do anything.


Our Gs was under 1 and also had cluster seizured. A man just fixed something around our water heater that allowed carbon monoxide to escape.I dont think our dog has epilippsy cause an under 1 year old kitten I have also had a few seizures. Have you checked your home for carbon monoxide? I am goung to take our dog to the vet snd see if we can wean him off thus med.


I have my dog doing the same thing and I'm just sad I can't do anything I'm goin to take him right now to the E.R
