Is Medicare Advantage a Scam?

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Is Medicare Advantage a Scam?- Call iHealthBrokers at 888-410-0344. our services are 100% FREE!
0:00 Intro
0:11 What is Medicare Advantage?
0:29 Medigap vs. MA
2:34 Benefits
3:14 Plans
7:31 Are The Free?
8:23 Are They a Scam?
10:36 Final Thoughts
Medicare Advantage plans are an alternative to Original Medicare. They are not to be confused with Medicare Supplement Plans aka Medigap Plans which work with Original Medicare.
Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private carriers and they may be similar to the health insurance that you’ve had in the past. They are not standardized but must offer at least the same benefits as Original Medicare.
Plans claim to offer all these benefits. Is that really true?
So, are these plans really free? While many plans claim to be free that’s not exactly true. At the very least you’ll have to pay for your Part B.
But for many plans, there is no additional cost. If this is sounding to good to be true and a little scammy, we’ll get to that in just a bit!
But, how are these plans offered at no cost?
Well to Original Medicare, you are considered a risk! And they are willing to pay Medicare Advantage plans a set amount to take on that financial risk. Basically, Medicare is looking to pawn you off on a private carrier.
But Medicare Advantage Plans are not just doing that out of the kindness of their hearts. Let’s talk about the parts that don’t make it into the commercials and brochures.
When things sound too good to be true, alarm bells go off! And while Medicare Advantage plans but not exactly be a scam, many people feel that they were misled about their Medicare Advantage plans. And that is for two main reasons.
Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private carriers and have networks. These networks can be extremely restrictive because many doctors and hospitals simply don’t like working with Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Advantage plans offer HMOs and PPOs. Even still, many people report difficulty finding doctors (especially specialists) who accept their plan. Some people have to travel hours to find someone in network.
And why don’t so many doctors and hospitals work with Medicare Advantage plans? Yes, they may contract at a lower rate, but so does Original Medicare and almost all doctors and hospitals accept Original Medicare.
MA plans are managed care plans. So, there are barriers regardless of whether you have an HMO or a PPO.
Basically, your insurance has to pre authorize your treatments or services even if your doctor has approved them. Some carriers are better than others, but you could be denied or certainly put through the ringer with paperwork to get your medical care approved.
Doctors don’t like this and patients don’t like this.
The Truth About "Free" Medicare Advantage
Do I Need Medicare Part D with Medicare Advantage?
Medicare Supplement vs. Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage
Long Term Care Plans
PHONE NUMBER: (888) 410-0344
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0:00 Intro
0:11 What is Medicare Advantage?
0:29 Medigap vs. MA
2:34 Benefits
3:14 Plans
7:31 Are The Free?
8:23 Are They a Scam?
10:36 Final Thoughts
Medicare Advantage plans are an alternative to Original Medicare. They are not to be confused with Medicare Supplement Plans aka Medigap Plans which work with Original Medicare.
Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private carriers and they may be similar to the health insurance that you’ve had in the past. They are not standardized but must offer at least the same benefits as Original Medicare.
Plans claim to offer all these benefits. Is that really true?
So, are these plans really free? While many plans claim to be free that’s not exactly true. At the very least you’ll have to pay for your Part B.
But for many plans, there is no additional cost. If this is sounding to good to be true and a little scammy, we’ll get to that in just a bit!
But, how are these plans offered at no cost?
Well to Original Medicare, you are considered a risk! And they are willing to pay Medicare Advantage plans a set amount to take on that financial risk. Basically, Medicare is looking to pawn you off on a private carrier.
But Medicare Advantage Plans are not just doing that out of the kindness of their hearts. Let’s talk about the parts that don’t make it into the commercials and brochures.
When things sound too good to be true, alarm bells go off! And while Medicare Advantage plans but not exactly be a scam, many people feel that they were misled about their Medicare Advantage plans. And that is for two main reasons.
Medicare Advantage plans are offered by private carriers and have networks. These networks can be extremely restrictive because many doctors and hospitals simply don’t like working with Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Advantage plans offer HMOs and PPOs. Even still, many people report difficulty finding doctors (especially specialists) who accept their plan. Some people have to travel hours to find someone in network.
And why don’t so many doctors and hospitals work with Medicare Advantage plans? Yes, they may contract at a lower rate, but so does Original Medicare and almost all doctors and hospitals accept Original Medicare.
MA plans are managed care plans. So, there are barriers regardless of whether you have an HMO or a PPO.
Basically, your insurance has to pre authorize your treatments or services even if your doctor has approved them. Some carriers are better than others, but you could be denied or certainly put through the ringer with paperwork to get your medical care approved.
Doctors don’t like this and patients don’t like this.
The Truth About "Free" Medicare Advantage
Do I Need Medicare Part D with Medicare Advantage?
Medicare Supplement vs. Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage
Long Term Care Plans
PHONE NUMBER: (888) 410-0344
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