Someone put a Hole in this Coin - now it's worth Millions (the EID MAR aureus)

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The famous EID MAR aureus, issued by Brutus to commemorate the assassination of Julius Caesar
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0:00 Introduction
0:24 The values of ancient coins
1:17 Rarity
2:05 Beauty
4:15 Masterworks
5:49 Historical significance
7:11 The EID MAR aureus
8:52 Thinking about value
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It’s crazy to consider that there’s a solid chance Brutus himself held that coin. There had to have been relatively few gold ones that were probably issued personally.


The gold Eid Mar coin ended up selling for 2, 200, 000 CHF plus buyer's premium. That's equivalent to $2, 285, 000 USD or 2, 145, 000 Euro.


Personally i think collecting coins is one of the most interesting and satisfying passions one can pursue. not for their rarity or monetary value, but the feeling and sensations you receive, knowing you're holding an ancient object that an uncountable amount of people held in their hands before you. Among them, kings, queens, soldiers and poor farmers across the ages. The thought that a coin i can call my own today might have actually been in the hands of a historical figure of the hellenistic or roman era is one of the most satisfying feeling i can experience. Not only that, but also as a person with great interest in history a coin gives you the opportunity to do research and learn where each coin was minted and what is depicted and WHY certain things are depicted. On top its a great passion to share with you kids when they're the right age.


Wow that EID MAR aureus is incredible, thank you for sharing this with us!


Amazing that it still exists in such fantastic condition.


You said what ive said prob a thousand times... The ability to Hold in your hand something So Ancient, the history, the People and all what transpired during the time it was minted is what gets me buying ancient coins .. Not only do they tell a story by whats printed on the coins but they open up a path to go down and learn More . That is my sole reason to collect . The history and the Story . Thank you for educating me a bit more and showing these amazing examples . Cheers .


I am not a coin collector. Hell, I'm not even interested in coin collecting but I love these videos. I can see why people value something that is relatively unique and has such a rich history.


Hi Garrett! From my observations throughout the years, I think some points are worth noting:

Rarity per se isnt a predictor of price. I have a unique double-antoninianus, and it is a very cheap coin. The combination of rarity and the "Who cares" factor is what truly makes coins desirable.
Denarii of Nerva for example, are numerous but they are also a key piece of a "5 Good Emperors" set, resulting on quite high prices.

On the topic of beauty, we are 100% in accordance. Beauty, good technique, and style are immediately recognizable, even for someone completely new to numismatics.

And of course, historical significance is masterfully illustrated by this EID MAR aureus. I was already very happy to be able to feature the denarius version on my channel. Holding an Aureus one is one hell of a privilege, congratulations!

Thanks for the video :)


"The idea of possessing a direct connection in the ancient world, something you can touch, and through it touch every hand that held it before."

Yes! While attending a seminar on Israeli history and ancient scriptural lexical-syntactical analysis. On each table there were small pottery pieces from around the time of 1st Century Israel, perhaps some pieces were even older. Mini games and quizzes were done at the end of the seminar and those who won got to pick a piece from the table where they sat. I happen to win and picked a unique piece that had a partial handle attached. I had been eyeing this piece all week and marveling at the indentation the potter had left where the handle was pressed into the jar to attach. In that minor indentation was a large to what I believe is the man or woman's thumb print from sometime around 2, 000 years ago. I keep it in my desk and every now and then pull it out and put my thumb into the indentation and just marvel what that persons life was like and who they were.


I started collecting and cleaning coins after watching your video on it. In a lot I bought for about $15, I uncovered a coin worth about $100! What a thrilling experience


Wow…can you imagine holding something like the EID MAR in your hand, that could had been held in the same hand that held the knife that killed Julius Caesar? That’s truly amazing!!


I cannot imagine actually touching that, I would nerd out. the fact it has a hole for a necklace punched in it is just wow, amazing stuff.


Absolutely amazing! To be one of the few people alive that have held that coin is truly a once in a lifetime experience.


Awesome video Garrett! As for the coins rarity, I had read that after Cassius’s and Brutus's defeat at Philippi and they had taken their own life, both Mark Anthony and Octavian were made aware and shown the coin. Both publicly announced that they would immediately put to the sword anyone found with an EID Mar coin in their possession. Considering the triumvirate was formed and immediate proscriptions commenced, it was an assured death sentence to hold on to one. Speculation was thousands of the denarii were collected and melted into a statue commemorating the battle of Philippi and deified Julius Caesar. You were truly holding some amazing history in your hand!


I bought a denar with trajan on one side and fortuna on the other from about 102 AD. Its strange and awesome to have something that travelled so far and so long until it landed in the palm of your hand. Its a humble little thing but it feels good to have some small connection to the past that you enjoy learning about.


I can tell you were very proud to be holding that coin and doing a video on it. As well you should.


The EID MAR is a beautiful coin. My favorites ones are older greek coins. the sheer beauty of them and the quality of printing is out of this world !


The lens and depth of field of the camera made your hand holding the coin look like it was disembodied, like you'd hired Thing from the Adams Family to hold it up for you.


The value of these coins don't surprise me at all.
Object filled with history are really something else.


Props to the people allowing you to share these coins with us. At the end you perfectly described one of the thrills of being a collector.
