Celebrating 20 Years of Star Wars Prequels: The Saga Continues!

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Celebrate two decades of the Star Wars prequels! It's hard to believe it's been over 20 years since the release of Episode I - The Phantom Menace, which kicked off the trilogy that would change the galaxy far, far away forever. Join us as we take a nostalgic trip back to the dawn of the 21st century and explore the impact, the memories, and the legacy of the Star Wars prequels. From Anakin's humble beginnings to the fall of the Jedi Order, we're revisiting it all. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just a casual viewer, this is for anyone who loves Star Wars and wants to reminisce about the prequels. We will discuss the good, the bad, and some ugly from this era in a galaxy far far away. So, grab your lightsaber, buckle up, and get ready to revisit a galaxy far, far away...

#StarWarsPrequels #ThePhantomMenace #AttackOfTheClones #RevengeOfTheSith #CloneWars #AnakinSkywalker #ObiWanKenobi #PadmeAmidala #DarthSidious #MaceWindu #YodaWisdom #GalacticRepublic #Order66 #JediCouncil #SithLords #StarWarsFans #PrequelLove #StarWars#MayTheForceBeWithYou
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Sorry guys for not making it. Voice was completely gone.
