Is Tamil Older than Sanskrit ? Jay Lakhani | Hindu Academy|

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Tamil is proven to be oldest language after 4 yrs of research in keeladi

But researchers told that still we need 200 yrs to research keeladi completly


Tamil is older than Sanskrit, as Sanskrit is a refined language.. if it is refined, there had to be a language it was refined from.. and that is Tamil.. that is why there are many Tamil words in Sanskrit


Proud to be Tamil from Sri lanka! Tamil is the oldest language and many words came from Tamil, that's why you find many words in common with. Many people are against that realistic true but many evidences are still present. நாங்கள் தமிழர்🙏🏾❤


Oldest available work in Sanskrit [Note it is only oral No written records] is Rig veda, it has been etymologically proved that there are many loaned Tamil words in Rig veda that proves the existence of Tamil during the period of Rig veda

Substrata in the Vedic language - Wikipedia

There are an estimated thirty to forty Dravidian loanwords in Vedic. [26] Those for which Dravidian etymologies are proposed by Zvelebil include कुलाय kulāya "nest", कुल्फ kulpha "ankle", दण्ड daṇḍa "stick", कूल kūla "slope", बिल bila "hollow", खल khala "threshing floor". [24]

Archaeological experts all over the world says that Indus valley civilization is a Dravidian civilization, but here in India Sanghis says its a vedic civilization but they do NOT Have any proof for their claim.

Indus script - Wikipedia

The Russian scholar Yuri Knorozov suggested, based on computer analysis, a Dravidian language as the most likely candidate for the underlying language of the script.[40] Knorozov's suggestion was preceded by the work of Henry Heras, who also suggested several readings of signs based on a proto-Dravidian assumption. [41]

Tamil language have connection with Srilanka, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia

Google - Tamil and Korean share a list of common words

In his book The Origin of the Japanese Language (1970), Susumu Ōno proposed a layer of Dravidian - specifically Tamil - vocabulary in both Korean and Japanese languages.

Google - Tamil and Australian aboriginal languages

மார் சுபிகள் Marsupial is a A word found in Australian Aboriginals language for Kangaroo kids. English language derived this word from Australian Aborginals language, This word is more than 10, 000 years old it's a pure Tamil word. So can we say Tamil is more than 10, 000 years old

If you want to go beyond this - Indus Valley Script was already deciphered long back and was found to be Proto Tamil or pro Dravidian by Fr. Heras, I. Mahadevan, R. Madhivanan, Asko Parpola et al. It is universally accepted by all.

So Proto Tamil [Proto Dravidian] is more then 4, 500 old. Both in Indus valley and in Keezhadi they did NOT found any Sanskrit inscriptions

Google - 4500 year old DNA from Rakhigarhi reveals evidence that will unsettle Hindutva nationalists

Google - Ancestral Dravidian languages in Indus Civilization

Language naturally evolves over 1000s of years it can NOT be invented by one single guy Agathiyar, Tamil language is NOT invented by Agathiyar as told by PERVERTED Sanskrit Myth, one has to Talk with scientific facts should NOT vomit PERVERTED Sanskrit Myths. Just like Tholkappiyar Agathiyar also wrote grammer for Tamil in ancient times thats it.

Tamil is older then Sanskrit even Jakki Vasudev [So called SadhGuru] admitted it. Its actully Tamil root words which are there in Sanskrit, NOT the other way around. Recent [year 2020] excavation in Keezadi have written Tamil inscription which is older than 2500 years. Just google how old is Tolkappiaym you will come to know how old is Tamil. Even indus valley civilization is Dravidian civilization only.

Sanskrit didn't even had a script to write untill 4 CE note it is CE not BCE, it adopted devanagari script in 4 CE and started writing puranas like Ramayana ... etc. Prior to this Sanskrit Vedas were transferred to next generation only orally, they said it is very sacred and only Brahmins have to recite it

Google - Mayiladumparai Excavation in Tamil Nadu - Tamils knew use of iron 4, 000 years ago, archaeological findings show

Google - Porunai civilisation is 3, 200 years old

We Tamils do not have Vedic culture roots, our roots are different. Vedic culture is a third rated culture. Sanskrit is full of third rated SEXUALLY PERVERTED mythological stories for Lord Shiva, Indra, Ayyappa and for lots of Rishis. You can not find one such sexually perverted literature in Tamil. Sanskrit is full of Racial Abuse and Racial discrimination based on birth like Manusimriti. You wont find any such discrimination in Tamil literature

Thiruvalluvar in Thiru Kural says all Living Things are equal [Not just humans] (பிறப்பொக்கும் எல்லா உயிர்க்கும் சிறப்பொவ்வா செய்தொழில் வேற்றுமை யான் - திருக்குறள் 972). But in Sanskrit Manusmriti, manu discriminate people based on birth called Varna, Manusimriti is full of Racial Abuse and Racial discrimination based on birth.

In the Four Vedas there is NO Mention about Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu [Thiru Maal] & Lord Subramanian [Murugan]. In Vedas they only worship Lord Indra, Lord Varuna & Lord Vayu. In Rig Veda they mention about Lord Rudra but he is NOT Lord Shiva. There is NO Place where they mentioned about Lord Shiva or Linga. These are all Tamil gods Lord Shiva, Lord Thiru maal [Vishnu] & Lord Murugan [Subramanian] are all ancient Tamils lived in Tamil Land.

Tamils have the culture of worshiping there fore fathers that is how they are worshiping Siva, Thiru Maal [Vishnu] & Murugan [Subramanian]. Aryan Brahmins stolen Tamil's gods and and inserted FULLY SEXUALLY PERVERTED STORIES in later days for our gods like Vishnu Purana, Shiva Purana, Skanda Purana ... etc Now some idiots are even saying Lord Shiva dont understand Tamil and so we have to worship him only in Sanskrit.

We can not abolish Sanskrit from Tamil Nadu Temples over night, simply it is NOT possible. It is a 2, 000 year slavery it is NOT easy to throw it away over night. Common people in Tamil Nadu do not want NEET, just because of that can you abolish NEET, not possible know. It is just like that. Even High Court told to worship in both Sanskrit and Tamil, but NOT just Tamil. Jesus Christ who has born in Jerusalem accepts Tamil worship in Tamil Nadu churches, Jesus is not asking Tamils to worship him in Hebrew, then why can not Siva a Tamil himself can not accept Tamil worship in Tamil Nadu temples. The temples are built by Tamil Kings worshipers of the temple are Tamils then why can not we worship the god in Tamil ?

Tamil too have Sanskrit words its due to Sanskrit became sole authority for Hinduism and for Tamil Gods also. By stealing Tamils gods Sanskrit started influencing Tamil by way Varnasrama by saying Brahmins are great and they are born from Brahmas head. You have to respect Brahmin and you have to allow them to worship your gods in their language Sanskrit.


So, in what language were the Vedas written in if Sanskrit is only 3000k years old. Vedas are ageless. If someone knows please answer. Thank you 🕉️


In ancient time people were not writing sanskrit they were just speaking sanskrit and transferring sanskrit stuff to other through speaking so in terms of speaking language sanskrit is the most ancient language but tamil is the first written & speaking language which proofs we got and the original vedas and others things which were written in sanskrit we don't have today unfortunately so that's why we cannot predict how older is sanskrit in written language


Oldest language in the world 🔥🔥
First Classical language of India 2004🔥
Slogan language of UNO, NASA🔥🔥
Longest classical surving language in the world 🔥UNESCO's First classical language 🔥🔥
Currency language of Morris 🔥
Official language of srilanka, Singapore, Malaysia, southern part of Africa 🔥
Spoken by 70 Million ppls around the world 🔥
First Indian state to oppose Hindi 1937🔥🔥
Most hated language in india 😎.
But no Panipuri beeda destroy the pride of thamizh language🔥 Jallikattu 🐂🐂Thamizhan da 😎🔥 தமிழன் டா 😤🔥🔥

Lemuria continent (Kumari kandam) : Hold my 20000 years history 🔥🔥🔥


Sanskrit name itself from Tamil
Samaskriti <- Samas+Kriti
Samas (refined)
Kriti (scripture) -> Krit -> Script
Krit root word is Kirukkal (கிறுக்கல்) <- Kiru+Kal meaning scribbling on stone.
Kiru <- Kirr <- Keer <- Keeru (கீறு) which is the sound produced when you scribble on Rocks..


Some people cannot accept Tamil as the oldest language, they will keep asking the proof and research still they cannot accept bcoz they are not ready to accept the fact. They will keep saying Sanskrit is the old language for the 1000 year's but they will not get the fact.


Agastya Muni is called the father of Tamil language, and it is written in the Tamil literature itself that Agastya Muni was also excellent in Sanskrit and He came to south from North, what can we conclude from this, that both languages are equally old that is why both has some same words.


Guys u need to accept
The oldest language is Tamil and there is no more evidence thaan keeladi
If u have proof please show tha


Tamil has thousands of ancient literatures which r dates back to 2000 yrs ago if they are exists now we may know some things about our whole history, but unfortunately by a civil war between srilanka and tamil ppl in jaffna the preserved thousand of books were fired up by srilankan govt along with the whole museum and also lakhs of ppl were worked as slaves and many died .

But keezhadi and some escavations revealed tht tamil civilisation is older as hindus valley as it contains hindus valley related inscriptions and also indua valley has tamil scripts


Then why are the vedas are written in sanskrit?
And why it's such a scientific language all of a sudden 3000 years ago when it's not ancient?


Even 3000 years for Sanskrit is very liberal, panini written works are after 5th centuries AD.
Accept the truth, no hard feelings. The only people who can claim India is Tamils!


Proven age of Sanskrit 1200 years
Proven age of Tamil 3600 years
Pls go and check panipuri migrated refugee Aryans


No offense, but if Sanskrit is not that old, then why does it have the nickname of being the Language of Gods (Dev-bhasha) ? Gods cannot be only few thousand years old, right !


Tamil produced 90% religious scriptures in the last 2020 years compared to rest of the Indian languages combined including Sanskrit.


You are wrong, Kali Yuga started around 5000 years back after dwapara Yuga ended. The age of dwapara Yuga is 8, 6400 years. This is when Mahabharata took place. And Sanskrit was used even by Veda Vyas to transcript the Vedas. Sanskrit evolved from lord Shiva’s damru . Even the sounds aaa ouu mmm (aaauum / om )


So if sanskrit is 3000 years old, can we say that timelines in which mahabharat and ramayan happened sanskrit wasn't the language.. And that krishna propounded gita in some other language.. To arjuna


If tamil is more ancient than sanskrit, In what script did vinayaka wrote vedas when they were recited by maharshi vedavyasa ?
