Nice job! I'm doing the same thing right now with the power platform tests. skjones
Nice job! I'm doing the same thing right now with the power platform tests.
Just passed my AZ900!! 60 questions, 1 hour to answer, 700 is the required passing and I got 700! Hey, pass is pass, right? Hehe maricris
Just passed my AZ900!! 60 questions, 1 hour to answer, 700 is the required passing and I got 700! Hey, pass is pass, right? Hehe
Hey. Just wanted to ask you something. The free practice assessment on the AZ 900 website is choice-based, so we select options from a list. Is the actual exam like this too, or does it require you to type out the answers instead? lilfern
Hey. Just wanted to ask you something. The free practice assessment on the AZ 900 website is choice-based, so we select options from a list. Is the actual exam like this too, or does it require you to type out the answers instead?