Why INFJs Are The SMARTEST Personality Type

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INFJs are known for their deep intuition, empathy, and creativity, which are traits that can contribute to their intelligence. Our experts provide insights into how INFJs process information and make decisions, and why their unique approach to problem-solving and decision-making can lead to innovative solutions. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of INFJs and uncover the reasons why they are the hands-down smartest personality type.

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Do you agree? Are INfJs really in the smartest?!


I’m an INFJ and I’m always saying “I don’t understand..how do they not get it?!? It’s so clear!” 🤦‍♀️


I don’t think INFJ would ever define themselves as smart/smartest, as constantly obsessed about what else (better) they could have done or said… i mean, we know we are smart, but there always is room for improvement…


We are also the most lonely personality type. It's isolating.


and the sad part of being an INFJ? No one's around when they need some reassurance, confidence. They can be low too sometimes. It's even harder to cry it out. It's the hardest to think it through. They don't really seek communication, but a deep genuine connection...


It's all fun and games on communication till you live in a world where a lot of people don't like to communicate 😂.


I agree with most of this, but sometimes INFJs do actually cut people off mid-conversation, because they can anticipate a speaker's point before it is actually made. Therefore, it seems practical to dispense with unnecessary verbiage in order to move quickly toward the essential idea.


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Know this - INFJs will have great highs (experiencing many peaks of joy and gratitude, seeing further and more clearly, knowing things at a core level, wondering profoundly and loving deeply and being loved in return etc ) but… they will also have deep lows (experiencing all too often emotional turmoil and pain, spiritual exhaustion and anguish, alienation and depression). The weaknesses of the INFJ are simply the price to be paid for the strengths enjoyed. At 66 years of age I still question at times if it is worth it.


As an INTJ with INFJ friends, this is something we commiserate on. A frequently spoken and thought sentiment between us as we exchange life stories is, "Are people really this stupid, or is it just our perspective?"


People don't like the truth. Now I'm learning to keep my mouth shut, but it's so hard to let people be wrong.


Don't know if we're the smartest. Perhaps just the most versatile. 🤔
And, for me anyway, it doesn't matter how much a person says.
People are like puzzles. And silence can reveal far more than words. For better, or for worse.


I’m an INFJ and pretty smart but don’t ask me to do math.


I heard that true gifts of INFJ is to help other people improve and become better version of themselves.
I hope you, my lovely INFJs, realize that and practice it throughout your life and don't hide or get stuck in your inner circle of close ones.
The best ones of yours I've met were psychiatrists and psychologists.


It sounds so great and transcendent, but all these traits also contribute to being prone to anxiety and depression. Being an "INFJ" is devastatingly powerful


I always knew I had intuition that could size up a situation without being able to explain how I do it. Of course, there are weak points that go along with the strengths of INFJs:
* our empathy for others makes us less aware of our own feelings
* introverted intuition makes it harder to notice details of things around us
* deep thought makes it hard to act quickly before we think things through.
* our empathy makes it hard to enforce rules when we are in a position of authority.


I’m an INFJ and took multiple tests to get to the conclusion since I didn’t want to claim it falsely... However, the last thing that I would call myself is smart. I actually do the opposite; I self deprecate to the point where my friends have to tell me to stop putting myself down so harshly.

To me, calling myself smart is like disregarding or belittling people who are smarter than me. I don’t want to disrespect them by claiming that I’m smart when there’s a good chance that I might not be. Even though I can see similarities to what I’ve felt all my life mentioned here, I always convince myself that others had probably saw certain things before I did or that it’s nothing special to see it. I can’t bring myself to think otherwise about it.

I don’t care what anyone else says about me because I’ll always believe that I’m average at most. The only things I’m confident in are my abilities to tell what people are feeling from their ‘vibe’ and how to ‘sponge up’ personalities to be approachable to them.


INFJ s are an inspiration to world. They are divine and sacred. They have wisdom. They know how to rescue other selves and their selves even in any bad situation. They don't harm or blame anyone or anything. They accept the way they are.They see the true beauty of nature. They are very intelligent . They are smart hunters as a tiger. They have a delicate intuition.When the condition get bad they will quiet and going one step back and ten step forwards as much as before as a tiger. No one cannot stop their journey. They will definitely win. They love them selves and every living beings and unliving things in this nature. They know the real meaning of love. Their hearts are full of love. They expect nothing from others but they oftenly sacrifice their time, stuff and words for others. INFG s know how to heal a wounded heart.


As an INFJ, I feel my ego inflated after watching this video and I also wonder what's the agenda behind this video by doing so.


I used to hate that I was like this, but I now embrace it.


The title is so accurate lmao, I’ve always felt misunderstood because my intelligence surpasses most people. I don’t do small talk, deep, meaningful conversation only.
