Jordan Peterson: Your political beliefs are determined in large part by genetics & other ideas

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This clip comes from Professor Peterson's: "Strategy (1): 12 principles for a 21st century conservatism"

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It blows my mind how he just casually switches topics and nobody notices because the transitions are so smooth.


"Eaten by black flies" Can tell from that alone that he grew up in central Canada, haha.


"The number one thing preventing murder is the law against murder."
- Louis C.K.


This is crazy because I’m a staunch conservative but I scored very high on openness and very low on conscientiousness on the big 5


I love listening to Jordan’s lectures . I tend to advocate for the causes on the left but also can see the points of those on the right. I listen to Jordan to help balance my views on things. To see if I can get a perspective I hadn’t thought about but this one left me thinking that only the first part of what he said was about what makes us different politically then the rest was simply about how conservatives were better come on now .... a more fair analysis is what I was hoping for lol. I know the right can’t see what’s good about the left no more than the left can see what’s good about the right but I’m holding out hope for one of these brilliant intellectuals out there to be able to fairly do that . Maybe I’ll listen to the video again in case I missed something when my kid got up and pulled me away . I do think this two party system seems to create a lot of hate between the creative ( or in my mind the more intuitive feeler types and the logical types ) . We need both . I absolutely agree with that but you sure didn’t represent us who lean a bit left very well lol.
1 second ago


THANK YOU for NOT plastering this intelligent lecture with stupid pseudo-inspirational music and stock footage of people looking stressed like some god-awful Shorts montage.


Any person who has ever taken an anthropology class in their life will find most of the stuff coming out of JP's mouth here laughable if not dangerous.


You don't want to move to Yemen? Lol


How do you *scientifically* evaluate which countries are doing best?

You see where the most people are living the longest, happiest lives.

~763, 000, 000 ppl
81.5 year life expectancy

*United States*
~330, 000, 000 ppl
78.7 year life expectancy


~1, 380, 000, 000
76.8 year life expectancy


~127, 000, 000 ppl
84.3 year life expectancy

Clearly, the Easterners have it!


Weak, because nurture has more influence than nature.


Peterson has passion - his language is incredible - but I am afraid he is gone off the rails a little ! I really enjoyed him on my university days of map of
Meaning. He's got some interesting points but dang he sounds like a fundamentalist to me ! So convinced of each one of his closed loop thoughts. Take your inspiration where you can - but don't forget to think for yourself 👍🏻he definitely don't know everything - there is a huge chip on the shoulder vibe that is not lesson society to anymore enlightened place but a warringn place. Having said that I commend him for passion and effort . A little advice - not everything is as dysfunctional as the university education institution - maybe you could use a break to realize there are great things happening and many things are actually changing for the better
Now, does that comment warrant a bunch of swears and name calls? If so- perhaps sit with your unresolved anger and frustration ! 😉


And with this anger comes a marked imprecision in your speech. The loose flaying of terms, opposite of what I admire so deeply about you.

So it's not the anger, but the speech it inspires, that splints and riles. I am nervous about those so easily excited.

You're the most sane and articulate conservative to emerge in decades. And I'm a left wing hippie liberal from the 70's. Please continue to raise, not lower, our civility with your words, so we can finally have a dialogue, and together, like a good couple's argument, sort our way to truth.


I really like Peterson but he isn't always right. I'm highly creative and lean more towards conservatism. And I'm also extremely empathetic but low on agreeableness. I also rank extremely high on openness. According to many of his theories, I shouldn't even exist.


I recommend anybody watching this video to watch Noam Chomsky on Anarchism.


An ocean of ignorance, superstitions and anti scientificness.


Unlimited Resources with helping Jarvis Robots from Iron Man and Irobot. Thank you


I’m a conservative with the strengths and weaknesses of a liberal, according to this video.


Well this makes sense politically I’m pretty middle group and on most of these traits I’m middle ground


I strongly disagree that "equity" means equality of "outcome". I would suggest Mr Jordan look up the definition of the word.


I have mid range to high openness to experience, very creative and mid rage to low conencessness. I'm A Socal democrat and am pro UBI/strong welfare state to lower poverty. I'm A stereotype I guess. LOL
