Lyme Disease Is Spreading

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Lyme Disease is spreading. With warmer temperatures comes more ticks and more of the illnesses they carry.
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I got Lyme disease from my mother.
I told myself for years that my symptoms weren't enough to justify even getting tested.
I was wrong.
Now I'm 20, and I can't stand the misinformation anymore.
I've known dozens of people who have died of Lyme disease, mainly because the symptoms were just too normal for them to take them seriously.

This video is outdated, so below are some LIFE SAVING updates:
- Lyme disease is very common
- You can be infected 15 minutes after a bite!
- Many cases don't even show severe symptoms for years
- Nearly all ticks are infected in the north east, and it is spreading
- By the time you notice the bite, the tick has likely already injected its saliva into you
- The only way to know if the tick transmitted Lyme to you, is if you bring the tick to a specialist to get tested
- Lyme specialists should always be contacted after a suspected bite, since most doctors are not Lyme-literate, and will only refer you to Lyme specialists, or dismiss it due to underestimating the risk
- There are co-infections (alternate strains) of Lyme Disease that you can get in each different tick, and each co-infection causes a different group of symptoms
- Ticks are not the only way to get Lyme disease!
- Lyme is passed through blood, so it can be passed from mother to child in utero, and can be SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED!
- Symptoms can be very hard to detect at first, and if you have any odd or mundane symptoms that don't seem related, I strongly suggest visiting a Lyme specialist. Even if you have never seen a tick on you.
- People living in the north eastern areas of the US are recommended to get tested to Lyme annually.

Those I knew who have died, or are currently receiving treatment had symptoms like these:
headaches, back pain, and they felt cold or even feverish at times. Over time, they got dizzier, and more tired and sometimes just so depressed that they couldn't motivate themselves to do everyday tasks. Others felt constantly on edge, and stressed to the point that they physically and mentally broke down.

These are all symptoms of spirochete damage. They dig into your brain and your nerves and your organ tissue. It messes with your blood flow by attacking your heart, making people feel cold, or have vision issues from low blood pressure. Spirochetes damage your ability to concentrate by attacking the brain, causing headaches that feel like pressure behind your eyes and to the back of your head. Peoples hormone regulation is thrown off, and emotions are set into constant turmoil until glands like your thyroid slowly stop working, causing weight gain.

There are many symptoms of Lyme disease, because the spirochetes could be attacking anywhere in the body.

Please realize that pain is not normally a constant. You shouldn't feel tired all the time, or have trouble going to bed or getting up. You shouldn't have to feel stressed, overwhelmed or depressed every day.

I was treated for Lyme, and it was like my life became consistently enjoyable. I still had all the same daily troubles, but they became manageable.

All I hope is that some of this information will reach someone and they will take the leap to meet with a specialist, because that was all I needed to be set on the right track. It is just so worth it.


I Got bit by a tick in Bellingham, WA.  I'm in treatment for late stage Lyme Disease today.  Wake up people, it is everywhere!


And my initial reaction was yeah, not gonna move to the north. 


It's not just deer. The biggest spread of Lyme ticks are BIRDS...🦅
They fly them everywhere.
Squirrel & rabbits pick them up and reptiles too!
Look above your head.
Do not use bird feeders in your yard certainly not by trees.
I know it's hard but having Lyme and co-infections is the hardest thing to do.


Ticks are in every state with the exception of possibly Hawaii, and there are far more than 300, 000 cases per year - that's only the reported number from the CDC which requires five positive bands. You can also get lyme from other than deer ticks and some of the co-infections can even be worse - Bartonella can be from ticks but I believe mine came from multiple spider bites, and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever from bringing wood in for heat. This devastating disease requires a lot of public education to avoid the inevitable suffering of many, and I mean accurate education, the sooner the better!


Guys if you want some more detail informations, pls google it .


I showed my drs the test result with lyme they still tell me there is not such thing


CDC won't admit how bad this is. They don't want to cause a panic


Many of us feel all alone.    Please read reply below for support group.


I'm getting scared about summer now, but thank the lord I live in Florida and it's not in my state.


milions of us have this, and the co infections. uk now affected badly but no help or admittance from doctors, my hubby down to 6 stone hes 6 foot 2, nearly dead.


why didnt you tell us more about this lyme diesese if it will kill or what !!!i got bit by three ticks so far and now i am getting very scared cause i got many deer where i live as well as woods, so how do we no if we got this dam diesese !!! yes ticks come out in warm weather and stop blaming the deer for this crap you people get rid of our deer the ticks will really come to get man !! 


Did you know you get Lymes disease in South Africa??


iv had a tick on my ear it was digging into the skin


My house is full of dogs and ticks.. Is my family in Pls respond


what does the Lyme disease do to you or effect you?


can I send you my email address without making it public?


Did you know you get lymes disease in South Africa 2


Wrote a Lyme disease brochure with the help of 2 Lyme disease specialists. Will email to anyone interested. Also did a video a few years back with lots of good info.  Lyme disease brochure  God bless, Elaine


I had a tick on my skin and it keep on iching so then I saw a little bump so then I got my nails and pinched it while grabbing it and then I saw a tick and then my mom killed it
