How To Turn Your Loop Into A Song #2- Arrangement and Production

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Today I show how you can take a simple idea with some potential into a bigger concept and eventually a song by trying a few simple production techniques, arrangement ideas and creativity hacks.
This video is aimed at beginners who are not familiar with arrangement and song structure.
I start with a simple 4 bar drum loop with a bass line and try to arrange it into a structure and add some variety to the song.

The video covers 3 topics:
1) Arrangement
2) How to play along with your song and create interesting chords and melodies
3) How to stay organised and motivated

EDIT - I said the key way C major but it's actually D Dorian (Same notes but different root) Sorry for this but it's easy to make silly mistakes when the pressure of filming is on and I did all of this on the spot so didn't take the time to consider the scale properly. At the end of the day, I just go by ear anyway but sorry for any confusion!
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EDIT - I said the key way C major but it's actually D Dorian (Same notes but different root) Sorry for this but it's easy to make silly mistakes when the pressure of filming is on and I did all of this on the spot so didn't take the time to consider the scale properly. At the end of the day I just go by ear anyway but sorry for any confusion!

Should I make more videos about arrangement and song structure?


I got 300 unfinished projects from the past 2 years


Save ALL of your loops. Come back and revisit them later and you'd be surprised which ones inspire you to form a complete song from them!


You know, what I love most about your videos is that you get straight to the point and you stay on it. You don't ramble, you don't joke around, you don't insert goofy animated faces or stupid sound effects or other distracting oddities I find in some other videos, and you don't try to be a comedian. It's all just useful information. Thank you for that!


Man's like "Gonna sound like rubbish, but nobody comes up with a good melody first try anyway", meanwhile I'm jamming to his "rubbish" melody XD


Im new to FL studio and this has just cleared my thoughts. Most beginner tutorials just skip and say do this and that u can use this effects and plugins "as beginners" but this video is just pretty simple focusing on the basic but still able to thoroughly show without having to use much plugins which actually confuses me of their functions.


Bruh...How this channel free of charge??🤯


I've been a musician for over 25 years, and you're teaching me new concepts and strategies for composition with every video. Thank you for helping others improve, for free. I definitely appreciate you, and enjoy every video you make.


After 5 years of making loops this has been the video that helped me finally tackle proper arrangement and songwriting. I literally have over 600 projects of which 95% are just small loops/ideas. And the rest are poorly arranged songs. I have some great ideas, just never had the motivation to continue any because I was lacking structure and at least a somewhat decent arrangement.


this dude is purely amazing and kindly do it for free lol what a great


This is an amazing tutorial. Most tutorials don't actually show you how to do anything, they're just basically a montage of someone using some expensive plugin to make a complex song. Even just the fact that you said which keys to press rather than just assuming we know everything about the DAW makes you a step above everyone else. amazing job!


I've been into music production ever since i was 12 but 1 year later i still haven't created a single song and today I've dedicated myself to self study and adjust only to my phone, I've learnt a lot here thank you!💜✨


Michael your videos are very organized, descriptive, made with passion and enthusiasm! I've been using FL Studio for about 10 years now and I'm still learning new things, because of tutorials like this. Thank you so much for putting effort in making these needed materials bro!!!


I genuinely enjoy watching this dude, something about his energy. Feels like home.


"Don't worry this is for beginners."
Proceeds to play Beethoven's 5th Symphony


This guy should be my math teacher, I would catch up with my maths in less than a week, omg


Yes, yes, this is the video that actually i need and never was able to find cuz i dont even knew how to type to search for it. And today just appeared randomly.. Cool!



Always felt my process was a mess, bc I mix while arranging. Just now Ifound out why, and its about what you said: "making it sound good keeps you motivated". Awesome class, technical, and yet, so musical and so aware of the psychological aspect of creation.


15:10 this "yeah like that" should have been a vocal in the song!


Man you are the only guy on Youtube who makes practical and easy to understand FL Studio tutorials, I saw your video on Voodex or something like that (plugins video) thank you for this great knowledge, you got a new follower now. And left a massive ❤ like
