EVOLUTION: Is It Catholic? (The Great Debate of 2018)

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Has the entire Catholic Church gone Darwin? Everyone else has. Even a brilliant guy like Jordan Peterson! Cardinal Pell thinks Adam and Eve didn't actually exist. Pope John Paul 'The Great' said Evolution is more than a hypothesis. Of course, Pope Francis is an evolutionist. But what about you? Are you ready to throw Genesis under the bus, just to accommodate a theory called 'Evolution'? Come to St Paul on May 8, 2018 for the AOTM season finale: Chris Ferrara vs. St. Thomas University's Dr. Peter Distelzweig – “EVOLUTION: At War with Church Teaching, Or Not.”

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The Evolution theory is falling apart with every new scientific discovery.I was very pro-evolution once but now with every single scientific advance its foundation that life evolved from slime to complex organism to man has been questioned.Even Darwin wrote of his great doubt because his couldn`t explain where the Cambrian explosion came from and its sudden abundance of life in all forms.


I am not Catholic but I am 100% a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah and Savior.
I believe in many things that you the Remnant believe in.
We must stand united in Christ as the world turns darker and the Rapture is close. Blessings!


Please explain to me how believing in evolution as a possible way in which God created Man effects faith and morals? I don't think it does and implying that if you do you're against God is ludicrous.


When is the debate set for and will we be able to view it? I would like to be able to use it as a mini class in my Religious Ed classes.


I don't know what a Christian is? I believe in the Living God. I believe in Good Shepherd. I believe in the Spirit of Truth.


I'm willing to fight. Where does a guy sign-up? Nobody gives me that information. I tired of going it alone, getting nowhere.


Dr. E. Michael Jones equally brilliant does not buy it.


As a practicing Catholic and practicing scientist... There is no conflict between faith and science. Theory of Evolution is science. If you want to debate TE as a false, do this from the perspective of science not theology. It is interesting how so called "traditional Catholics" fall into a trap of "young Earth" ideology that is promoted by protestants, but NOT by Catholic Church.


Can someone explain to me the horrific sacrilegious event that took place at the so called 2018 Met Gala...it's even been reported that the Catholic Church even loaned them artifacts for the decor. I am so outraged that this satanic event took place themed Catholicism...I can't even bring myself use a capital "c" for the word Catholicism....I've searched everywhere and cannot find one uprising of the scariest thing I have ever witnessed. No one is willing to come out and say ANYTHING....The end is here


Hey where can I get the opening chant sounds beautiful


Well....our Lord did ask if He would find faith upon His return. Guess He knew what He was talking about.


If I was given the Truth would reign. Vivat Christus Rex Vivat Regina Immaculata Micha'EL


If we evolved from a lobster, how come a lobster is still a lobster?


So the first humans had monkey parents. Does "Honor Thy Father and Mother" still apply if they just screech and fling poo at you? Can you eat them for dinner since they dont have souls?


la teoria de la gran explosion no contradice el genesis el evolucionismo si


Hope to see the debate here on Remnant.


First of all, do not forget that in the final days there will come sarcastic scoffers whose life is ruled by their passions.
What has happened to the promise of his coming?' they will say, 'Since our Fathers died everything has gone on just as it has since the beginning of creation!'
They deliberately ignore the fact that long ago there were the heavens and the earth, formed out of water and through water by the Word of God, and that it was through these same factors that the world of those days was destroyed by the floodwaters. I think we have arrived.


I believe that evolution is correct but only partially. The Bible contains a complete representation of truth, though not literally because Jesus spoke to us metaphorically many times for good reason, as he explained to his disciples. Evolution is still a theory based on observation and conclusion of a man of faith. Darwin did worry that his work would cause havoc for the Church when he wrote the "Origin of the Species", but never lost his faith.
The Old Testament came to us from thousands of years of verbal tradition before being written, it is presented originally to people that could not possibly understand the complexities of what we take for granted today. We think we know everything but there are many mysteries that still remain with modern science. I firmly believe in the Nicene Creed and have been a practical Catholic since 1980. Biology has a hypothesis on the origin of life but can not explain where the ' Life Force' comes from nor can they duplicate it spontaneously in any lab experiment. I accept that Life IS and comes from our Creator and from him alone. We are all related to every other creature, if you believe in the science of genetics, also this science proves the story of Noah is also true and that we are all one species, surviving through a very threatening past. All of the latest revelations of modern cosmology and quantum physics only increase my faith. Jordan Peterson also states that " We do not understand Human Consciousness at all." It seems to me that the ancient word of God has all the answers to these questions and has been handed down through the ages as proof of the Eternal Spirit of Our Lord. Also I do believe that Jesus is the incarnate Word of The Eternal Creator born through The New Eve (AVE MARIA) . St Thomas Aquinas, St Theresa of Avila, Holy Mary our Mother, Pray for us. Bless you Remnant and all those that live in Christ Jesus. Amen.


I'd love to see a debate with Stephen Barr.


The theory of evolution was developed by a Catholic priest
