The Christian response to Taylor Swift

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The Christian response to Taylor Swift

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I don’t allow her or Beyoncé in our home. They have been made into idols. We are called to be set apart.


I think Allie did a poor job on the Taylor Swift portion. She said a lot of true things and then she softened it for her friend! That is the complete opposite of what she tells us to do on a regular basis. Speak truth no matter if you lose relationships over it.


I don't think casting spells on people is unique at all, there are probably more openly practicing witches now than in most of history.


I stopped being a swiftie like a month ago because I am a Christian but it’s like I see her EVERYWHERE and it’s hard not to get sucked back in. As an 11 year old girl it’s hard to understand everything going on and its confusing, so I’m just following God


It would be interesting to see the swifties love God and defend Him as much as they defend her.


I think some people give her a "pass" (acceptable for their kids to listen to, etc.) is b/c unlike Britney Spears, Christina Aquilera, Beyonce, and so many more girls who professed Christianity or where the daughters of pastors, etc....Taylor Swift didn't do an immediate 180 to "slutty as slutty can be" upon turning 18. She slowly became less "girl next door" and eased into a more "adult" (sexual) persona.

I don't know much about her (never been a fan), but that was one thing I noticed: she didn't immediately go "Dirty" like Christina Aquilera or "Toxic" like Britney Spears.


Taylor belongs to the world and she will therefore, do worldly things! That’s the long and short of it. Why are people shocked? Were they expecting any different? She never held herself up to be a pinnacle of moral rectitude nor a devout Christian. She’s just doing what Hollywooders do! 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think Taylor is a master at making her fans feel like she knows them.


Secular humanism and postmodernism have to diss Christianity in order to survive because that's how those movements were born.

Pray for her. If she gets saved, she might point many to Christ. Pray that she will repent of her self-righteousness, just like we all have to.


Im a believer in Christ she never said she was an example of a Christian and why should we look to any artist as a role model for Christianity?


She may not know it, but the practices she is doing on stage are opening the door to the demonic realm to work in her life and possibly her fans.


You need to do more research on the occult in entertainment. Don't dismiss it so easily.


Ex witches say she's doing rituals in some of her songs. So who knows


The fact that her fans are called swifties sounds like a cult movement.


It’s funny that everyone is freaking out about how she has such a big following. This is nothing new. She’s not mystical or magical she just appeals to a huge fan base because she’s fairly bland (and for the most part not controversial). We don’t listen to her music in our house because it isn’t our style. I don’t think she’s casting magic spells on people anymore than the Beatles did in their day. The more we freak out about something like this the more ridiculous we look and the more attention she gets.


I’m so glad my 11 year old daughter can’t stand Swift. Her friends do but she is making better choices.


Strangely enough, never liked Swift, Beyonce, Jay Z, or these other modern day rappers... thought there was something creepy, chilling, about them..


Nobody has ever said Taylor swift was a Christian role model. I don’t know where that is coming from but that’s complete crap. I think Taylor swift is starting to talk about some religious themes because she’s genuinely confused and starting to wonder about God. I don’t think she’s making fun of religion. I really don’t get that impression. Madonna was 100% mocking religion. Taylor isn’t doing that. She’s 35 years old and she badly wants to be married with children and she can’t seem to find that. I’m so tired of Christian conservatives attacking her. So freaking sick of it. Taylor is not too far gone and we should have compassion for her. She was raised to believe in God by her parents and then from 15 on she spent her life in Hollywood. Of course she’s confused! If Christian’s want to attack a Christian artist then talk about Lauren Daigle. She is a joke and an openly “Christian artist”, who apparently doesn’t know if gay marriage is wrong. And I know you have in fact talked about her before. That makes sense. Not attacking Taylor Swift so you get more views. She writes songs about her FEELINGS. That’s it. She’s experienced a lot of heartbreak and expresses that through her music. Why do conservatives feel the need to attack her for that? For what? Being a woman with feelings? Oh no the horror. Taylor is so big, even bigger than Beyoncé, because she’s relatable!!! She sings about real things women have felt and thought in relationships. I wouldn’t expect men to understand that but you should understand that Allie.


no one can mock GOD and gets justified...whatever you sow you will reap.


Shout out to the sane people here that can criticize her work for what it is without making weak, fallible arguments.
