Alpha Film Series Episode 13 How Can I Resist Evil

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Alpha Course Episode 13
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I people go through this course and say it is the Alpha course that have saved their life, it sounds like they didn’t meet Jesus, but the idea of Jesus. I have met people who think they are saved, they are kept up by christian friends, conferences and party’s where they are drunk in a spirit. But are these people saved? When you really meet Jesus, he transforms your life, you ARE filled with His Holy Spirit who convicts of sin and remind you of all Jesus said. His words are a mighty two edged sword. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, who reveals Jesus and His will, if you feel drunk, it may not be the Holy Spirit. Brothers and Sisters, fill your self up with the real Jesus, He will hold you up by His own power, not by running from seance to seance.
It does not say communion with fellow believers are wrong, it is very important, but let Jesus carry you.

There are many who are called Jesus, make sure you believe in the right one. A false Jesus and a false gospel will not save you. But the Word of God, who IS God in flesh, who gave His life for you, He can save. It is what is almost true that is the most dangerous trap, don’t fall for it. Seek God and He will set you free. The Bible tells us, there are only one God, not two, or three. Jesus is the God who saves.


Some of the answers from these people scare me for them


When you're falsely accused, you may recognise in the accusation "In your circumstance, as I imagine it to be, I would behave thus, therefore you have". If the accusation isn't false, you will need God's help. So why not ask Him for help?


nick paster i belive god then the devil because god change my life


tim paster i need follow jesus and stop say bad words change my life


Is it just me- or do these Alpha videos get more ludicrous and nonsensical every time?
